HC Deb 18 April 1969 vol 781 c310W
Mr. Jopling

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will give the details of the work and costs involved in the estimate of £66,000 which the Manchester Regional Hospital Board has given to the hon. Member for Westmorland as the cost of converting Ethel Hedley Hospital at Windermere into a geriatric hospital.

Mr. Crossman

Details of the estimate will now have been received by the hon. Member from the Secretary of the Manchester Regional Hospital Board.

Mr. Jopling

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many staff, according to grades, are estimated by the Manchester Regional Hospital Board to be needed to operate the Ethel Hedley Hospital at Windermere as a geriatric hospital.

Mr. Crossman

19 Nursing staff, 1 clerical worker and the equivalent of 13 ancillary grades. Medical and technical staff needs remain to be determined.

Mr. Jopling

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what particular difficulties in running Ethel Hedley Hospital at Windermere as a geriatric hospital the Manchester Regional Hospital Board put forward as likely to be experienced in their letter JW/CG/N28R/10 of 25th February, 1969.

Mr. Crossman

Principally staffing on a long-term basis, running costs and isolation from treatment for acute conditions.