HC Deb 22 November 1968 vol 773 cc345-6W
Mr. Dalyell

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) what consideration he is giving to a single school-leaving date in 1969–70;

(2) what consideration he is giving to a single school-leaving date after the raising of the school leaving age in 1972–73.

Mr. Ross

In the light of views expressed by education authorities I have concluded that I would not be justified in proposing the adoption in the near future of a single date. It is too soon to consider what should be done after the raising of the school leaving age in 1972–73. The Education (Scotland) Act 1962 does not provide for the fixing of a single leaving date and I am considering this aspect in connection with the forthcoming Education Bill.

Mr. Dalyell

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what estimate he has made of the number of additional pupils in Scottish schools, if a single school-

"H"Grade "O" Grade
Year Presentation Passes Presentation Passes
1964 8,371 5,932 21,920 15,381
1965 9,097 6,971 22,527 15,490
1966 9,417 6,929 23,038 16,006
1967 10,177 7,874 24,199 17,211
1968 (Provisional only) 10,921 Not Available 26,061 Not Available

The final figures for 1968 will not be available until December.

leaving date is in operation when the school-leaving age is raised in 1972–73.

Mr. Ross

Any estimate would depend on an assumption about the pattern of leaving dates which was being superseded. If it were the present pattern, there would be, at January, 1973, an additional 15,000 pupils attributable to the combined effect of raising the leaving age and introducing a single leaving date, of whom 5,000 would be attributable to the latter factor only. At January, 1974 the corresponding figures would be 40,000 and 8,000.