HC Deb 06 May 1968 vol 764 cc27-8W
Mr. Rose

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has completed his review of the voluntary undertakings given to him by the oil companies in implementation of the Monopolies Commission's report on petrol.

Mr. Crosland

After consulting all the parties having an interest in the supply of petrol to retailers and after carefully considering all the evidence brought to light in the review, I have decided, in D, that is on cider and wines. The protective elements in the duties on E.F.T.A. beers and spirits have been eliminated but the parts of the duties which are regarded as revenue duties are still levied. The rates of duty are as follows:

consultation with my right hon. Friend the Minister of Power that:

  1. (a) the Undertaking limiting the acquisition of company-owned stations should be abandoned;
  2. (b) the Undertaking relating to leases and licences should be modified so that renewals of leases should, at tenants' choice and subject to normal commercial considerations, be for minimum periods of three years; and
  3. (c) the other Undertakings should continue in force (subject only to a minor technical modification in relation to the provisions as to hired petrol equipment).
So far, companies who between them are responsible for the supply of some 95 per cent. of petrol to retailers have agreed in principle to accept these changes. I now intend to discuss the details of the proposed revisions with the parties concerned.

I shall continue to watch closely the operation of the revised Undertakings, which will, of course, remain subject to further review should I consider this to be necessary.