HC Deb 04 March 1968 vol 760 cc26-7W
Mr. Parker

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science, which are the 103 local education authorities whose reorganisation schemes have been implemented or approved; which are the 19 local education authorities which have not submitted official schemes; and which are the 12 local education authorities whose reorganisation schemes have been rejected.

Mr. Gordon Walker

1. The following 102 local education authorities have plans either approved or implemented. (Southend recently withdrew its approved plan, but has since submitted revised proposals which are under consideration).

(i) Plans approved or implemented for the whole or greater part of their area (76)
Anglesey. Manchester.
Barrow-in-Furness. Merioneth.
Berkshire. Merthyr Tydfil.
Bexley. Merton.
Blackburn. Middlesbrough.
Blackpool. Montgomeryshire.
Bradford. Newcastle upon
Brent. Tyne.
Bristol. Newham.
Burnley. Newport (Mon.)
Cardiff. Northumberland.
Cardiganshire. Norwich.
Carlisle. Nottinghamshire.
Cornwall. Oldham.
Coventry. Oxford C.B.
Cumberland. Oxfordshire.
Darlington. Preston.
Denbighshire. Rochdale.
Devon. Rotherham.
Dewsbury. St. Helen's.
Doncaster. Solihull.
Eastbourne. Southampton.
Enfield. South Shields.
Flintshire. Stoke-on-Trent.
Gateshead. Suffolk, East.
Grimsby. Suffolk, West.
Haringey. Sunderland.
Havering. Sussex, East.
Herefordshire. Sussex, West.
Hertfordshire. Tynemouth.
Hounslow. Wakefield.
Huddersfield. Wallasey.
Isles of Scilly. Waltham Forest.
Isle of Wight. Warwickshire.
Kingston-upon-Hull. West Bromwich.
Leicestershire. York C.B.
Lincolnshire, Yorkshire,
Holland. E. Riding.
Lincolnshire, Yorkshire,
Lindsey. W. Riding.

(ii) Plans approved or implemented for a lesser part of their area (26)
Barnsley. Liverpool.
Breconshire. London (I.L.E.A.)
Caernarvonshire. Monmouthshire.
Cambridgeshire. Northamptonshire.
Cheshire. Pembrokeshire.
Derbyshire. Radnorshire.
Ealing. Sheffield.
Essex. Shropshire.
Glamorgan. Somerset.
Gloucestershire. Staffordshire.
Hampshire. Swansea.
Kent. Wiltshire.

2. Eighteen authorities have yet to submit a plan and five have declined to do so.

(i) Those who have not yet submitted a plan (18)
Bath. Norfolk.
Birmingham. Plymouth.
Bootle. Portsmouth.
Buckinghamshire. Southport.
Canterbury. Walsall.
Chester. Warley.
Hastings. Warrington.
Leicester. Wolverhampton.
Lincolnshire, Yorkshire,
Kesteven. N. Riding.

(ii) Those who have declined to submit a plan (5)
Bournemouth. Westmorland*.
Bury. Worcester C.B.
* This authority, however, already maintains three comprehensive schools.

There are also three authorities, Leeds, Salford and Stockport, who, having withdrawn earlier schemes, are preparing fresh ones.

3. The 12 authorities whose schemes have been rejected for various reasons in the past are:

Barnet. Hillingdon.
Barking. Kingston upon Thames.
Burton-upon-Trent. Richmond upon Thames.
Gloucester C.B. Surrey.
Harrow. Sutton.

But Barnet and Harrow have now submitted fresh proposals for the whole of their area; Surrey has declared its intention to proceed as circumstances permit with the elimination of selection, and has already submitted proposals for part of its area; and I am expecting early plans for some of the remaining authorities in this group.