HC Deb 19 June 1968 vol 766 cc155-6W

Mr. George Thomson, pursuant to his statement on 17th June, 1968 [OFFICIAL REPORT, Vol. 766, c. 847], circulated the following information:

Date Place Personnel Comments
14th March, 1966 Salisbury Mr. Watson Visits Rhodesia and makes it clear that he is available for discussion with Mr. Smith, but the latter declines the opportunity.
9th-19th May, 1966 London British and Rhodesian Officials (Sir Cornelius Greenfield, G. B. Clark and S. E. Morris). Exploratory talks without commitment. The ground was fully explored as regards the possible form of a constitutional settlement, but no basis for a solution consistent with the six principles emerged.
3rd June-4th July,1966. Salisbury British Officials (Mr. Watson, Mr. Wright, Mr. Le Quesne, Mr. Neale) and Rhodesian Officials.
22nd-25th August, 1966. Salisbury Mr. Watson, Mr. Wright and Rhodesian Officials.
13th-22nd September Salisbury Sir Morrice James The Commonwealth Secretary, under the aegis of the Governor, met a cross section of representatives of opinion in the country including Mr. Smith and members of the régime
20th-28th September, 1966. Salisbury Commonwealth Secretary.
13th-20th 1966. October, Salisbury Sir Morrice James and Mr. J. N. Allan. In the light of the discussions in September, Her Majesty's Government submit through Sir M. James a considered statement of their terms for a settlement.
25th-27th November, 1966. Salisbury Commonwealth Secretary. Detailed suggestions put forward including one that the return to legality might be effected by restoring the position as it obtained on 10th November, 1965.
29th November, 1966 Salisbury Sir Morrice James Informs Mr. Smith that Prime Minister would be willing to see him in the presence of the Governor on the basis of certain clear understandings.
2nd-4th December, 1966. On board H.M.S. Tiger off Gibraltar. Prime Minister, Commonwealth Secretary, Attorney-General, the Governor, Sir H. Beadle, Mr. Smith, Mr. Howman and advisers. Working document produced and accepted by British Government on 4th December. Illegal régime reject document on 5th December.
22nd June-16th July, 1967, Rhodesia Lord Alport Sees over 1,000 Rhodesians representing all races and every shade of opinion, on the political future of Rhodesia, including members of the Rhodesia Front.
8th-9th November, 1967. Salisbury Commonwealth Secretary. Meets the Governor and under his aegis Mr. Smith. Reports to the House of Commons on 12th December.

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