HC Deb 17 July 1968 vol 768 c250W
Mr. Palmer

asked the Minister of Power what further action he proposes to take in relation to the delays in commissioning power stations.

Mr. Mason

I have been considering with the chairmen of the Central Electricity Generating Board and the Electricity Council what further action would be appropriate. In the light of these discussions, I have set up a Committee with the following terms of referenceTo enquire into the causes of delays in commissioning C.E.G.B. power stations, and the measures taken to remedy them, and to make recommendations about any further action that may be appropriate.

The Chairman is Sir Alan Wilson, F.R.S., Chairman, Glaxo Group Ltd., and Deputy Chairman of the Electricity Council, and the other members are:

Mr. E. Asquith, Manager, Contracts and Purchasing Department, Esso Petroleum Co.

Mr. L. Cannon, C.B.E., General President, Electrical Trades Union.

Sir Donald Gibson, C.B.E., Controller General, Ministry of Public Building and Works.

Mr. D. W. G. L. Haviland, C.B., Chairman, Staveley Industries Ltd.

Mr A. E. Powell, Senior Partner, Merz and McLellan Consulting Engineers.

I have asked the Chairman of the Committee to keep in touch with the N.E.D.C. Working Party on Large Industrial Construction Sites in order to eliminate any unnecessary duplication.

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