HC Deb 01 February 1968 vol 757 cc397-8W
Mr. Noble

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he has yet reached a decision on the future pattern of the sea services to Islay and the associated islands.

Mr. Ross

Yes. These services have been reviewed in the light of the limited life of R.M.S. "Lochiel". After careful consideration of the various proposals which have been put forward, I have decided that a drive-on-drive-off vehicle ferry should be built to enable MacBrayne's to serve Port Ellen, Port Askaig and Colonsay from a new site on West Loch Tarbert. Jura will be served by a smaller vehicle ferry operating between Port Askaig and Feolin, and Gigha by a similar vessel operating from West Loch Tarbert. I am asking Argyll County Council and MacBrayne's to put in hand as quickly as possible the planning of the piers and ships required, whose total estimated cost is £1.1 million, but it is too soon to make a close forecast of the date on which the new service will be able to start. Timetables will be drawn up in due course in consultation with the interests concerned.

There are several reasons why it is not at present possible to adopt the "overland" route via Jura, which was recommended to me by both the Highland Transport Board and the Highlands and Islands Development Board. I have naturally paid great attention to the views expressed by these and other bodies, but I have come to the conclusion that the advantages which have been claimed for the "overland" route are not sufficient to justify its much greater capital cost of about £3.2 million. The additional cost would arise mainly from the need for a complete reconstruction of the roads to Keills and across Jura; this could not be undertaken at present without holding back more urgently needed projects elsewhere in Scotland, and could not be completed during the lifetime of the existing ships.

The alternative pattern which I have approved will bring many advantages to the islands, and can be introduced much more quickly than the "overland" route at about a third of the capital cost. The new vehicle ferry will be able to provide up to four services a day to Islay in the summer and should be of particular benefit to the growing tourist industry. Reliefs for this vessel can be readily provided from MacBrayne's existing fleet. If necessary the new vessel would be able to give an interim service from Oban until the new pier at West Loch Tarbert is ready. Although she will be unable to call at Craighouse because of the shallow water there, Jura should benefit from the introduction of a frequent vehicle ferry service from Feolin to Port Askaig, and through Islay to the mainland.