HC Deb 16 December 1968 vol 775 cc242-3W
78. Sir W. Teeling

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what was the date when Her Majesty's Government informed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Government that they intended to bring up again the question of Czarist debts to this country; and how long Her Majesty's Government intend to wait for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to reply to this note before sending them a reminder.

Mr. Goronwy Roberts

Her Majesty's Embassy in Moscow informed the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs in an aide-mémoire of 10th October that Her Majesty's Government hoped it would be possible to initiate discussion with the Soviet Government on pre-1939 Anglo-Soviet claims. I believe it is reasonable that we should allow the Soviet Government some further time to reflect on this long-outstanding and complex issue before pressing for a reply to this approach

79. Sir W. Teeling

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will introduce legislation to indemnify banks in this country against claims paid out to those registered as creditors against Czarist Russia, and to compel these banks to disclose what they possess.

Mr. Goronwy Roberts

I think we should see what the Soviet Government have to say on the question of pre-1939 Anglo-Soviet claims before considering what action might be taken in relation to the Czarist assets.

Sir W. Teeling

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is the position concerning the accumulation of interest for moneys held in this country against Czarist debts since 1917.

Mr. Goronwy Roberts

The precise amounts of any assets held by banks in this country to the account of the former Imperial Russian Government or of pre-revolutionary Russians firms or agencies (including any interest which may have accrued up to the present) and the manner in which such accounts are operated are confidential to the banks themselves. There is, however, no reason to believe that the amounts now held are at all substantial in relation to the size of British pre-1939 claims against the Soviet Government, or that they would suffice to pay our claimants more than a very modest dividend indeed if it were decided to take them over and distribute them.

Sir W. Teeling

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how often the register for claims for the Czarist debts has been revised since 1918; and what are the amounts at present claimed.

Mr. Goronwy Roberts

Records of claims are amended from time to time when information is received by the Department about changes of ownership. On the assumption that the surviving claimants and the legal successors of those who are deceased would all, if an opportunity were offered, formally present for compensation the claims registered since 1918, the capital amounts claimed would total approximately £360 million.