HC Deb 11 December 1968 vol 775 c131W
65. Mr. Biggs-Davison

asked the President of the Board of Trade what proposals have been made by France and the European Economic Community to reduce discrimination by the Six against European Free Trade Association imports; and what was the response to Her Majesty's Government and of other member governments of European Free Trade Association, respectively.

Mr. Dell

No proposals for a trading arrangement between the E.E.C, and E.F.T.A., have been put forward by the E.E.C, and therefore no response has been made. E.F.T.A. Ministers, at their recent meeting in Vienna, had a full discussion of European integration, the outcome of which is recorded in the Communiqué which was circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT on 26th November.—[Vol. 774, c. 88–9.]