HC Deb 04 December 1968 vol 774 cc491-3W
Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will make a statement about the outcome of the recent Commonwealth sugar talks.

Mr. Cledwyn Hughes

This year's talks between the parties to the Commonwealth Sugar Agreement, which were held

barley and wheat for each of the 10 preceding years; and what are the guaranteed prices for 1968–69.

Mr. Hoy

The information is as follows:

from 12th November to 3rd December, were concerned mainly with the duration of the Agreement and the price to be paid for negotiated price quota sugar in 196971

It was agreed to amend the Agreement so as to make it of indefinite duration, with provision for triennial review. The first such review will be held in 1971. Changes in the Agreement, other than those mutually agreed between the parties, will require three calendar years' notice, given during a year of triennial review, in respect of all the Agreement's provisions except those relating to the negotiated price quotas of less developed exporting territories, changes in which will require six years' notice. Provision is also made for the modification of the United Kingdom Government's obligations under the Agreement after 1974 in the event of successful negotiations for United Kingdom accession to the European Economic Community.

It was agreed that the price paid for negotiated price quota sugar in 1969–71 should be the same as for 1966–68: namely, £43 10s. per ton for all exporting territories and, for the less developed exporting territories, an additional payment, calculated annually, of between £1 10s. and £4 per ton, varying inversely with the world price of sugar.