HC Deb 29 April 1968 vol 763 cc135-6W
Mrs. Ewing

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will state the names of the members of the Scottish Economic Planning Council, the places of meetings, the number of times it met last year, and the duration of each meeting.

Mr. Ross

The membership is set out below. The Council met six times last year in full session and its committees met separately on various occasions. Most of these meetings were in Edinburgh and usually lasted about 2½ hours.

Chairman—William Ross, M.B.E., M.P., Secretary of State for Scotland.

Vice-Chairman—George Middleton, C.B.E.


  • G. B. Barker.
  • J. O. Blair Cunynghame, O.B.E.
  • B. Boxall, C.B.E.
  • W. P. Broomfield.
  • P. Connor, O.B.E.
  • Dr. T. L. Cottrell.
  • A. M. Donnet, J.P.
  • Provost E. J. Dowdalls, J.P.
  • Treasurer T. B. Duncan. J.P.
  • G. Dunlop, O.B.E.
  • G. R. Gay, J.P.
  • W. D. H. Gregson.
  • Professor R. Grieve.
  • J. Irvine.
  • J. Jack, C.B.E.
  • A. Kitson, J.P.
  • Dr. J. W. Macfarlane, J.P.
  • Treasurer J. W. McKay.
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  • R. P. MacLellan.
  • J. McWilliam.
  • A. R. Miller.
  • E. E. Tait.
  • Lord Tayside.
  • Lord Provost D. K. Thomson, M.B.E., J.P.

Mrs. Ewing

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how often has the working party of the Scottish Economic Planning Board met, where and on what dates; and who attended on each occasion.

Mr. Ross

If the hon. Lady means the Working Group on Population, it has met four times in Edinburgh on 1st December, 1967, and on 12th January, 14th February and on 14th March of this year. Another meeting has been arranged for tomorrow. As I have previously informed the hon. Lady it is attended by officials of the Government Departments principally concerned.