HC Deb 29 April 1968 vol 763 cc146-7W
Mr. Whitaker

asked the Minister of Transport whether he will make a statement on progress towards achieving international agreement on car safety standards, in view of the importance of this for British car exporters.

Mr. Marsh

The United Kingdom Government took an initiative in the European Conference of Ministers of Transport last summer designed to speed up the work of international harmonisation in the Economic Commission for Europe. The Commission is now giving priority to items of significant safety value. Last month the Commission approved two measures which would require new cars to be fitted with more safely constructed steering columns, door latches and door hinges. Other safety proposals in the priority programme should come forward soon. A world conference on road traffic will meet in Vienna this autumn to draw up a Convention which will include vehicle safety requirements and this should contribute to greater uniformity in vehicle safety standards.

The United Kingdom Government will continue to participate in all this work and to press for rapid progress.