HC Deb 24 October 1967 vol 751 cc412-4W
35. Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the Minister of Power what provision for health services to the rig crews is included in the licences that he grants to companies to drill for oil and gas in the North Sea; and how many and which members of rig crews have been taken ill and taken ashore for medical or surgical treatment.

Mr. Freeson

All licensees have been instructed to seek advice on this subject from the Port Medical Officer or Medical Officer of Health for the British port or other base from which their operations are conducted.

I cannot give information about all men taken ashore for treatment.

Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the Minister of Power if he will give details of the amount and location of production of the rigs which, under licence from him, have been drilling for oil and gas in the North Sea since each of those licences were granted.

Mr. Freeson

Over 5,000 million cubic feet of natural gas have been supplied by the British Petroleum Company to the Gas Council from their West Sole gas field, about 42 miles east of the Humber, since the start of production last March. As least three other important gas fields have been located off the east coast of England, but none of them is yet producing.

Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the Minister of Power, in view of the increased success which companies drilling for oil and gas in the North Sea under licence from him are now having, what steps he is taking to control the prices at which such oil and gas are being sold to British consumers; and if he will state the actual prices at which such oil and gas are being sold to British consumers as compared with imports.

Mr. Freeson

No oil has yet been found in commercial quantities in the North Sea. The only gas at present being delivered on shore is from B.P.'s field off the Humber. This gas, like imported natural gas, is being used by the gas industry mainly to manufacture town gas, which is sold to consumers under the Gas Boards' normal tariffs. Some natural gas is being supplied to consumers direct, at prices slightly below the normal town gas tariffs. But no distinction in the price is made between imported natural gas and North Sea gas.

Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the Minister of Power, in view of the successes achieved by private persons and companies under licence from him in drilling for oil and gas in the North Sea, if he now plans to grant similar licences to the scientific bodies, persons and companies which are supported by the Government to drill for oil and gas in the Shelf in British seas for the national, as distinct from private, benefit.

Mr. Freeson

I have nothing to add to the reply I gave my hon. and learned Friend on 18th July, when I said that my right hon. Friend was not inviting applications for further licences to be issued.—[Vol. 750, c. 218.]