HC Deb 23 October 1967 vol 751 cc383-4W
Mr. Jopling

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) whether, in view of his decision not to permit the use of sodium cyclamates in foodstuffs until 1st December, 1967, so that such use can be covered by new labelling regulations, he will give an assurance that these regulations will make it obligatory to state specifically that sodium cyclamate is contained in any particular wrapped, packaged, canned or bottled foodstuffs or soft drinks, and that steps will also be taken to inform the public when and to what extent sodium cyclamates are contained in unwrapped foodstuffs;

(2) whether, since the Second Report of the Food Additives Committee on Cyclamates emphasised that a daily intake of 50 mg. cyclamates/kg. body-weight should not be exceeded, and that the toxicological effects of cyclohexamine should be fully examined urgently, he will arrange that the new labelling regulations covering the use of cyclamates after 1st December, 1967, will make obligatory an indication of the amount of cyclamate contained in any wrapped, packaged, canned or bottled foodstuffs or soft drinks so that the public can ensure that their intake of this new artificial sweetener does not approach the danger level.

Mr. Hoy

No. Where the use of artificial sweeteners in food is permitted, the proposed new labelling regulations will make it obligatory to state either their specific names or the generic term "artificial sweetener". A very limited number of foods, principally chocolate, sugar and flour confectionery, will be exempt from this requirement. The use of cyclamates in food will be kept under continuous review. But in view of the advice of the Food Additives and Contaminants Committee, my right hon. Friend and his right hon. Friend the Minister of Health are satisfied that the new regulations will ensure that there is no risk to health.