HC Deb 29 November 1967 vol 755 cc120-1W
102. Mr. Steele

asked the Minister of Transport if she will state the number of members of the British Railways Board from Scotland on 1st November, 1963 and 1967, with the reason for any increase or decrease.

Mr. John Morris

Six in 1963 and three in 1967. The membership of the Board is decided on various grounds, and no specific reason can be given for any particular variation.

103. Mr. Steele

asked the Minister of Transport if she will state the number of members of the British Railways Board and each regional railways board with trade union experience as at 1st November, 1963 and 1967, with the reason for any increase or decrease.

Mr. John Morris

For the British Railways Board, the figures are two in 1963 and three in 1967.

Each Regional Board had one such member on both dates, except for the then North Eastern Region in 1963 and the Eastern Region in 1967.

The membership of the Boards is decided on various grounds, and no specific reason can be given for any particular variation.

Mr. Steele

asked the Minister of Transport if on the retirement of Mr. Frank Donachy from the British Railways Board on 3rd December it is her intention that he should be succeeded by another Scottish trade unionist.

Mr. John Morris

Mr. Donachy's term of office expires on 31st December. In making new appointments my right hon. Friend will of course comply with Section 1(3) of the Transport Act, 1962, but my hon. Friend will understand that there is no statutory requirement to appoint to the Board any particular number of either Scots or Trade Unionists.

Mr. Steele

asked the Minister of Transport. following the recommendations of the Joint Steering Group for the composition of the new British Railways Board, which have been accepted by Her Majesty's Government as stated in the White Paper on Railway Policy, what proposals she has regarding the specific provision in the 1947 and 1962 Transport Acts for the appointment of members with trade union experience and a knowledge of Scottish interests; and to what extent this provision will be affected by the proposal to abolish regional railways boards.

Mr. John Morris

None. The proposal to abolish Regional Railway Boards will not affect the provisions relating to the main Board.

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