HL Deb 21 November 1967 vol 286 cc1036-8WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What progress is being made in the consideration by the United Kingdom Commission for UNESCO of the suggestions and proposals which, in pursuance of the undertaking given in this House on April 25, 1967, were referred to the Commission.


The suggestions and proposals have been considered by the Education Advisory Committee of the National Commission, and the Commission has endorsed the conclusions reached by the Committee.

The Committee supported the suggestion that UNESCO should consider appointing a working party to collect and collate the facts about the historical development of international co-operation, with a view to the publication of a book which could be used as a complement to national history books. It thought, however, that such a book might best be prepared for use by teachers rather than as a book for children. This proposal will now be discussed with the Secretariat of UNESCO with a view to its inclusion in the Organisation's programme of activities.

On the question of the revision of national history books, the Committee appreciated that UNESCO itself is not in a position to criticise text books of indi- vidual Member States. Nevertheless, at the suggestion of the Committee the permanent delegation to UNESCO will discuss with the Secretariat the suggestion that the work already being undertaken in this field, at the specific request of individual member States might be carried further by the granting of contracts for studies by appropriate international non-governmental organisations.

Because of the difficulties involved the Committee advised against suggesting that UNESCO should sponsor an international competition and prize among teachers and student teachers throughout the world to select great benefactors to the world community who were suitable for mention in school history textbooks alongside national heroes.

House adjourned at twenty-two minutes past nine o'clock.