HC Deb 22 June 1967 vol 748 c338W
Sir C. Osborne

asked the Minister of Health what he estimates the coloured population of Great Britain to be today; and to what figure it will grow by 1975 and 1985, respectively, on the basis of a continuation of the present immigration rate, and the known birth rate not diminishing.

Mr. Snow

It is not possible to make close estimates but the number of residents in Great Britain who were coloured immigrants from the New Commonwealth or one or both of whose parents was such an immigrant was probably of the order of one million at the end of 1966; and, on the assumptions that the current rate of net immigration and the current estimated fertility rate remain substantially unchanged, the number may be of the order of one-and-three-quarter million in 1975 and of three-and-a-half-million in 1985.