HC Deb 05 June 1967 vol 747 cc88-90W
16. Mr. Clegg

asked the Minister of Labour what is the latest figure in total numbers and percentage for unemployment in the North-Western Region; and how this compares with the corresponding month in 1962.

Mr. Fernyhough

The figures were 74,836 and 2.5 per cent. in May, 1967 and 71,978 and 2.4 per cent. in May, 1962.

19. Mr. Gower

asked the Minister of Labour what is the latest figure in total numbers and percentage for unemployment in Wales; and how this compares with the corresponding month in 1962.

Mr. Fernyhough

The figures were 38,543 and 3.8 per cent. in May, 1967 and 27,767 and 2.8 per cent. in May, 1962.

20. Mr. Gower

asked the Minister of Labour what are the latest figures in total numbers and percentage for unemployment in Glamorgan and in the borough of Barry, respectively; and how these compare with the corresponding month in 1962.

Mr. Fernyhough

The figures for Glamorgan were 20,523 and 4.2 per cent. in May, 1967 and 12,833 and 2.7 per cent. in May, 1962.

Numbers unemployed at Barry at these dates were 830 and 583, respectively, and the percentage rates for the Cardiff travel-to-work area, which includes Barry, were 3.4 and 2.3.

23. Mr. Evelyn King

asked the Minister of Labour if he will state the number of unemployed in Weymouth and Portland; and what steps he is taking in order to reduce these figures.

Mr. Fernyhough

At 8th May, 1967, 712 persons were registered as unemployed in the Weymouth Employment Exchange area, which includes Portland. My local officers will continue to do all they can to help those registered to find work and will offer opportunities for training in suitable cases.

24. Mr. Michael Shaw

asked the Minister of Labour what are the latest figures of the total number and percentage of unemployed in the Northern Region; and how they compare with the figures in the corresponding month in 1962.

Mr. Fernyhough

The figures were 49,545 and 3.7 per cent. in May, 1967, and 45,035 and 3.4 per cent. in May, 1962.

44. Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the Minister of Labour if he will state the percentage of the numbers of wholly unemployed in Scotland in general and in Aberdeen in particular for eight weeks or more to the latest convenient date.

Mr. Fernyhough

At 8th May, 1967, the percentages registered for more than eight weeks were 64.5 and 55.0, respectively.

49. Mr. Shinwell

asked the Minister of Labour if he will state the number of registered unemployed in the North-East, and the comparative figures for March and April.

Mr. Fernyhough

The number in March, April and May, 1967, were 45,902, 47,720 and 44,954, respectively.

Mr. Kenneth Lewis

asked the Minister of Labour what is the total number of skilled men currently on the unemployment register.

Mr. Fernyhough

At 13th March, 1967, the latest date for which an occupational analysis of the wholly unemployed is available, there were 51,066 men registered in Great Britain in occupations commonly regarded as skilled within the engineering, building, vehicle building, woodworking and printing industries.

Mr. Bessell

asked the Minister of Labour what steps he has taken to encourage employers to employ persons over the age of 40 years; whether he has plans to provide incentives for this purpose; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Fernyhough

I would refer the hon. Member to the full statement I made in the Adjournment debate on 26th January, 1967. I do not consider that financial incentives to employers would be appropriate.—[Vol. 739, c. 1926–30.]

Mr. Leadbitter

asked the Minister of Labour what are the latest figures in total unemployment and percentage of working population unemployed for Hartlepool; and how the situation compares with the corresponding months in 1962 and 1963.

Mr. Fernyhough

Total numbers registered at Hartlepool and West Hartlepool were 364 and 1,936 in May, 1962, 742 and 3,055 in May, 1963, and 354 and 1,798 in May, 1967, respectively.

The percentage rate of unemployment for the travel to work area formed by Hartlepool and West Hartlepool was 6.1 in May, 1962, 10.2 in May, 1963, and 5.9 in May, 1967.