HC Deb 21 July 1967 vol 750 cc348-9W
Mr. William Hamilton

asked the Prime Minister if he is now in a position to make a further statement on the reform or aboliton of the Honours System.

The Prime Minister

As the House knows I have, since taking office, been undertaking a comprehensive and continuing review of all aspects of the Honours System and I have from time to time reported my conclusions to the House. The House will now wish to know that a further stage of the review has been completed and my conclusions on it.

This stage relates to the award of honours to State servants whch have been commonly criticised in the past on the grounds that the proportion of honours going to members of the Home Civil Service, the Diplomatic Service and the Defence Services is higher than that which normally goes to those in other walks of life. Particular criticism has related to the alleged lack of balance between the number of such awards and those given for the achievement in industry and export on the one hand and to members of other public services, such as local authorities, the National Health Service and the police on the other hand. The reasons for the present pattern of distribution are largely historical and I need not trouble the House with them now. The House will, however, wish to know that in agreement with those of my colleagues concerned I have decided that the proportion of honours awarded to State servants should be reduced over a period.

So far as the Home Civil Service is concerned, there have, of course, already been substantial reductions over recent years. Nevertheless, further cuts can I think be justified. The effect will be that the number of knighthoods awarded each year will remain about half, the number of C.B.E.s will be reduced to little more than one-quarter, of O.B.E.s to considerably less than a half and of M.B.E.s to less than two-thirds of the levels ruling ten years ago.

Corresponding reductions will be made over a period in the awards to the Defence Services and the Diplomatic Service.

These reductions will enable an increase to be made in the number of awards for other worthy citizens and I shall pay special attention in my recommendations to achievement in industry or export and to public and voluntary service outside the fields of central government employment.

If hon. Members will study the recent Birthday Honours List they will find that it already reflects these decisions; future honours lists will, by stages, implement them in full.