HC Deb 10 July 1967 vol 750 cc1-3W
44. Sir Knox Cunningham

asked the Minister of Labour what is the latest figure in total numbers and percentages for unemployment in Northern Ireland; and how this compares with the corresponding month in 1962.

Mr. Fernyhough

The figures were 39,338 and 7.7 per cent. in June 1967 and 34,700 and 7.2 per cent. in June 1962.

57. Mr. R. Carr

asked the Minister of Labour what percentage of those registered as wholly unemployed at the latest convenient date in Great Britain had been unemployed for longer than eight weeks; and what the comparable percentage was a year ago.

Mr. Gunter

At 12th June 1967 and 13th June 1966, the percentages registered for more than eight weeks were 59.7 and 55.2 respectively.

58. Mr. Dempsey

asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware that the coal price charged to Scottish industrialists has affected employment in Scotland; and if he will take steps to find other employment for those so displaced.

Mr. Fernyhough

I am not aware that this has been a major factor affecting employment in Scotland. Our local officers do all they can to help those who become unemployed from whatever cause to find suitable work and offer opportunities for training in suitable cases.

59. Mr. Ridsdale

asked the Minister of Labour what has been the average percentage rate of unemployment in Clacton-on-Sea for 1966 and 1967; and what was the highest monthly percentage rate during this period.

Mr. Fernyhough

The average was 3.9 per cent. The highest rate, 6.6 per cent., was in January 1967.

66. Dr. John Dunwoody

asked the Minister of Labour what were the latest percentages for unemployment in the South-West development area; in the other development areas together; and in the whole of the country outside the development areas.

Mr. Gunter

At 12th June, 1967, the rates were 3.4, 3.7 and 1.7 respectively.

70. Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware of the threatened unemployment in the Scottish oil and meal factories and in the trawling industry owing to the imposition of 2d. a gallon on ships' bunker fuel and ships' lubricating oils; and what plans he has to provide alternative employment.

Mr. Fernyhough

I am not aware of any forthcoming redundancies due to this cause.

Mr. Watkins

asked the Minister of Labour how many of the men signing on at the Ystalyfera exchange, Swansea Valley, are disabled; what is the number over the age of 55 years; how many are ex-miners; and what plans are there for training the able-bodied for alternative employment and special factories for the disabled.

Mr. Fernyhough

Of the men registered as unemployed at Ystalyfera Employment Exchange on 12th June, 1967, 108 were registered disabled persons and it is estimated that about the same number were aged 55 or over. 150 were last employed in mining or quarrying. Two Government Training Centres in South Wales provide accelerated vocational training for suitable workers, able-bodied and disabled. A third will open at Port Talbot next year. There are Industrial Rehabilitation Units at Cardiff and Port Talbot.

Mr. Gwynfor Evans

asked the Minister of Labour what relationship the percentage increase in total registered unemployed in Wales from March, 1966 to March, 1967, in manufacturing industry, bore to the equivalent figure for the distributive trades.

Mr. Hattersley

Between 14th March, 1966 and 13th March, 1967, the numbers of persons registered as wholly unemployed who last worked in manufacturing industries and in the distributive trades in Wales increased by 70.5 per cent. and 50.2 per cent., respectively. With the inclusion of those persons who were temporarily stopped the percentages were 58.3 and 50.4, respectively.