HC Deb 18 January 1967 vol 739 cc95-6W
Mr. McNamara

asked the Minister of Social Security how many men engaged in the trawler fishing industry drew sickness, accident and disability benefit, respectively, in the years 1960–66.

Mr. Loughlin

I regret that information is not available in precisely the form requested. For the whole of the fishing industry, which includes all fishing in the sea, rivers, lakes and canals, analyses of samples suggest that the number of successful claims for injury benefit in each year (from the beginning of June) and the number receiving industrial injuries disablement pensions at a date in each period were of the following order—

Period Approximate number of awards of injury benefit * Approximate number of men receiving pensions†
1960–1961 2,300 415
1961–1962 not available 420
1962–1963 2,440 480
1963–1964 2,360 450
1964–1965 2,520 485
1965–1966 not available 470
* Based on a 5 per cent sample.
† Based on a 20 per cent sample.

These figures include a few men who received benefit for prescribed diseases. No comparable information is available about the numbers who received sickness benefit.