§ Mr. Haleasked the Minister of Labour (1) whether he is aware that the number of women over the age of 18 years registered as unemployed in the Oldham and Chadderton area increased by over 80 per cent. between 14th November and 12th December, 1966; and what was the comparable figure in January, 1967;
(2) whether he is aware that the number of wholly unemployed men of 18 years and over in the Oldham and Chadderton area increased by nearly 25 per cent. between 14th November, 1966, and 12th December, 1966; and whether he is now in a position to state the comparable figures for January, 1967.
§ Mr. FernyhoughBetween November and December, 1966, the number of men wholly unemployed rose by 17 per cent. Total unemployment among women rose by 83 per cent. due entirely to an increase in the numbers temporarily stopped. Between December, 1966, and January, 1967, there were further increases of 32 per cent. and 43 per cent., respectively, but the unemployment rate in the area remained below the national average and employment prospects are generally good.