§ Mr. Goodhartasked the Secretary of State for Defence (1) how many vehicles were sold or handed over in Aden to the indigenous armed forces; and what quantity was shipped out of Aden for further use by British forces;
(2) how many aircraft and ships were sold or handed over in Aden to the indigenous armed forces; and what quantity was shipped out of Aden for further use by British forces;
(3) how much communications and radar equipment was sold or handed over in Aden to the indigenous armed forces; and what quantity was shipped out of Aden for further use by British forces;
(4) how much engineering and harbour equipment was sold or handed over in Aden to the indigenous armed forces; and what quantity was shipped out of Aden for further use by British forces;
(5) how much clothing was sold or handed over in Aden to the indigenous armed forces; and what quantity was shipped out of Aden for further use by British forces;
(6) how many general stores were sold or handed over in Aden to the indigenous armed forces; and what quantity was shipped out of Aden for further use by British forces;
(7) how much ammunition and explosives was sold or handed over in Aden to the indigenous armed forces; and 517W what quantity was shipped out of Aden for further use by British forces;
(8) how many weapons and instruments were sold or handed over in Aden to the indigenous armed forces; and what quantity was shipped out of Aden for further use by British forces.
§ Mr. Reynolds:This information is not readily available, and it will be some time before our records are complete. However, I will write to the hon. Member in due course.