HC Deb 15 November 1966 vol 736 cc46-7W
Mr. J. H. Osborn

asked the Minister of Power if he will tabulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT the value of the total capital tied up in the activities of the National Coal Board on 26th March 1966, the turnover and profit in the preceding year, the number employed, and return on net worth expressed as a percentage; and, of this total, if he will tabulate that portion directly concerned with the mining and gaining of coal, both underground and opencast, and the corresponding figures for all ancillary activities, including engineering and workshops, property distribution, brick manufacture, chemicals and by-products, and miscellaneous subsidiary and operating companies not wholly owned, but in direct competition with companies in the private sector.

Mr. Marsh

As explained in notes 1 to 13 to the Board's published accounts, the total value of fixed assets employed by the Board at 26th March, 1966 was £775 million before writing-off the full extent of the reduction in capital liabilities authorised under the Coal Industry Act 1965. Sums yet to be written-off are included in the Reserve Fund which stood at £208.8 million.

The Board's income and expenditure on Revenues Account for the year 1965–66 (Summary C of the Accounts) showed total income of £850.7 million and a loss for the year of £24.8 million after depreciation and interest. The return on net assets, less the Reserve Fund, was 11.0 per cent. before depreciation and interest.

Fixed assets are analysed by activities in section (6) of Schedule I and operating profits on the main ancillary activities are shown in the consolidated Profit and Loss Account on page 10 of the Board's Accounts. Details of the Board's interests in trade undertakings not wholly owned are in Schedule II and the numbers of industrial workers employed on the different activities of the Board are set out in Table 32.

Mr. J. H. Osborn

asked the Minister of Power what was the value of capital investment undertaken by the National Coal Board in the year ended 26th March, 1966; how much of this was purchased through outside contractors, manufacturers, and suppliers; and how much was manufactured, installed and erected by the appropriate departments within the National Coal Board.

Mr. Marsh

Expenditure by the Board on fixed assets in the year ended 26th March, 1966, amounted to £88 million. The Board estimate that about 90 per cent. of this sum was disbursed through outside contractors, manufacturers and suppliers.

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