HC Deb 03 November 1966 vol 735 c139W
38. Mrs. Lena Jeger

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science in how many single school areas the only schools available are controlled or aided schools.

Mr. Crosland

I regret that this information is not available.

39. Mrs. Lena Jeger

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what has been the total public expenditure since the passing of the Education Act 1944 on capital grants and current grants, respectively, to controlled and aided schools; and how many of these schools have been rebuilt or enlarged.

Mr. Crosland

Grants from my Department to aided and special agreement schools up to the end of August, 1966 totalled £49.9 million on new buildings, and £24 million on alterations and repairs to existing buildings. Responsibility for all expenditure in controlled schools rests with local education authorities. This is not recorded separately by my Department—nor is expenditure incurred by local education authorities on the maintenance and internal repair of aided schools. The Answer to the last part of the Question is not available.