HC Deb 10 May 1966 vol 728 cc50-2W
Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the Minister of Power what provision he has made in the licences granted by him to persons or companies to drill for oil or gas in the North Sea to protect the fisheries there from damage to fertility and numbers in shoals; and how and to what extent these protective provisions have been and are being operated.

Dr. Bray

Licensees are required by the terms of their licences not to interfere unjustifiably with fishing or with the conservation of the living resources of the sea. They have to obtain my right hon. Friend's consent to drill any well and before giving it he consults the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Secretary of State for Scotland, to see if any special conditions need be attached to protect fishing interests. No such conditions have been imposed for the nineteen wells so far authorised.

Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the Minister of Power how many licences he has granted to date to drill for oil and gas in the North Sea; how many and which of these operations have succeeded and failed, respectively; where each success and failure, respectively, was located; which of these operations are still existing; and what is the extent of each success and failure with the loss and gain resulting therefrom.

Dr. Bray

89 production licences have been granted for areas in the North Sea and one for an area in the Irish Sea. Operations are continuing under all of these licences.

Ten wells have so far been completed. One of these, in Block 48/6, has located a commercially exploitable gas field. Preliminary tests in another Block, 49/26, have been stated by the licensees to indicate a gas find of considerable importance. At this early stage it is impossible to assess the extent of the benefit which will flow to the U.K. from the operations to date.

Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the Minister of Power if he will make a statement on the accidents which during the last three months have occurred to the rigs and persons drilling for oil or gas under licence from him in the North Sea, indicating the number, extent and location of those accidents and of the persons killed and injured in the course of them.

Dr. Bray

No lives have been lost during the last three months' drilling operations in the North Sea, nor have there been any injuries other than a few of the type usually encountered in engineering or sea-going operations.

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