HC Deb 21 June 1966 vol 730 cc40-2W
Mr. Freeson

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government what changes in rent levels have resulted from the decisions of the London Rent Assessment Committees on applications for registration of fair rent referred to them.

Mr. Crossman

The fair rents determined by London rent assessment committees on 66 applications decided up to 11th June represent reductions in the rent prior to registration in over 80 per cent, of the cases, no change in about 4 per cent, and increases in about 13 per cent. Very substantial reductions were made in a number of cases. In only five cases, where the rent was increased, was the increase above the rent determined by the rent officer. Details of the committees' decisions are given below.

I am arranging for copies of the bulletins of selected decisions issued by the London Rent Assessment Panel to be placed in the Library. At present they are being issued monthly, but this may be varied in future. Further copies may be obtained on request from the Ministry.

Ministry of Housing and Local Government Reference Annual Rent* before Registration Annual Fair Rent* determined by Rent Assessment Committee Rent Assessment Committee determination compared with rent before registration
£ £ £
1 234 117 -117
2 364 299 -65
3 130 136 +6
4 234 221 -13
5 475 400 -75
6 208 (incl.) 143 -65†
7 234 (incl.) 156 -78†
8 325 385 +60
9 300 225 -75
10 161 (incl.) 117 -44†
11 161 (incl.) 117 -44†
12 239 (incl.) 156 -83†
13 273 (incl.) 160 -113†
14 260 260 no change
15 442 375 -67
16 234 (excl.services) 351 (incl. £36 services) +81 (allowing for services)
17 312 240 -72
18 287 247 -40
19 312 240 -72
20 312 275 -37
21 130 300 +170
22 390 270 -120

Ministry of Housing and Local Government Reference Annual Rent* before Registration Annual Fair Rent* determined by Rent Assessment Committee Rent Assessment Committee determination compared with rent before registration
£ £ £
23 225 180 -45
24 218 8s. 169 -49 8s.
25 260 208 -52
26 364 300 -64
27 286 286 no change
28 211 18s. 71 10s. -140 8s.
29 273 205 -68
30 251 11s. 225 -26 11s.
31 273 225 -48
32 348 252 -96
33 325 375 +50
34 273 111 7s. 4d. -161 12s. 8d.
35 286 149 10s. -136 10s.
36 286 143 -143
37 312 188 10s. -123 10s.
38 312 208 -104
39 182 65 -117
40 325 300 -25
41 364 215 -149
42 194 7s. 75 8s. -118 19s.
43 325 275 -50
44 312 (incl.) 182 -130†
45 286 (incl.) 175 10s. -110 10s.†
46 338 (incl.) 162 10s. -175 l0s.†
47 273 (incl.) 119 12s. -153 8s.†
48 273 (incl.) 110 10s. -162 l0s.†
49 150 325 +175
50 234 272 +38
51 143 156 +13
52 234 234 no change
53 312 (incl.) 109 4s. -202 16s.†
54 327 12s. 230 -97 12s.
55 286 234 -52
56 185 215 +30
57 229 19s. (incl.) 164 9s. -65 10s.†
58 208 (incl.) 91 -117†
59 468 (incl.) 286 -182†
60 375 300 -75
61 208 149 10s. -58 10s.
62 208 149 10s. -58 10s.
63 312 (incl.) 135 4s. -176 16s.†
64 286 245 -41
65 286 (incl.) 163 16s. -122 4s.†
66 425 400 -25
*The figures are exclusive of rates except where otherwise shown.
†These comparisons do not allow for payments made by tenant in respect of rates.