HC Deb 13 June 1966 vol 729 cc234-41W
Mr. Charles Morrison

asked the Minister of Technology if he will list the computers being used for scientific purposes in various Government departments and establishments, showing the date of installation, the name of manufacturer,

Department Date of Installation Name of Computer Manufacturer*
Ministry of Aviation 1955 Deuce EELM
1956 ICT.1200 ICT
1956 Deuce EELM
1957 Pegasus I Ferranti
1957 Elliott 405 Elliott
1959 Mercury Ferranti
1961 Elliott 502 Elliott
1961 Apollo Ferranti
1961 Elliott 803B Elliott
1961 Deuce EELM
1962 Pegasus 1 Ferranti
1962 Elliott 803 Elliott
1962 Elliott 803 Elliott
1963 Elliott 803A Elliott
1964 IBM.1620 IBM
1965 Elliott 502 Elliott
1965 Elliott 503 Elliott
1965 Elliott 503 Elliott
Ministry of Defence (Air) 1958 ICT 1200 ICT
1962 Elliott 803 Elliott
1965 KDF.9 EELM
1965 Elliott 803 Elliott
1965 Elliott 803 Elliott
1966 Elliott 803 Elliott
Ministry of Defence (Army) 1954 AMOS Ferranti
1959 Pegasus Ferranti
1961 Elliott 803B Elliott
1964 Mercury Ferranti
1964 Elliott 803B Elliott
1964 Elliott 803 Elliott
1964 Elliott 503 Elliott
Ministry of Defence (Navy) 1958 Stantec Zebra Standard Telephones
1960 Elliott 803 Elliott
1963 Sirius Ferranti
1963 IBM.1620 IBM
1964 Pegasus PC3 Ferranti
1965 KDF.9 EELM
Ministry of Technology 1955 Deuce EELM
1958 Deuce EELM
1964 KDF.9 EELM
1965 Elliott 903B Elliott
1965 Elliott 803B Elliott
1965 Arch 9000 Elliott
1966 Elliott 4120 Elliott
1966 Univac 1108 Remington Rand
Ministry of Transport 1961 Pegasus 2 Ferranti
Forestry Commission 1963 Sirius Ferranti
General Post Office 1961 Elliott 803B Elliott
1962 Elliott 803B Elliott
1965 Elliott 503 Elliott
* EELM: English Electric-Leo-Marconi Computers Ltd.
Elliott: Elliott-Automation Ltd.
Ferranti: Ferranti Ltd.
IBM: International Business Machines (U.K.) Ltd.
ICT: International Computers & Tabulators Ltd.
Standard Telephones: Standard Telephones & Cables Ltd.
Remington Rand: Remington Rand Ltd. (Univac Division).

type of computer and the function for which it is used, respectively.

Mr. MacDermot

Pursuant to my reply of 26th May [OFFICIAL REPORT; Vol. 729,c. 143] the following computers are being used in Government Departments for research and development work, mathematical and statistical applications and technical training:

Mr. Charles Morrison

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will list all the computers being used by Government departments, showing the date of installation, name of manufacture, type of computer and function for which it is used.

Date Accepted Department Main Uses Manufacturer* and Type of Computer
Jan., 1958 Ministry of Aviation Pay (including National Assistance Board) ICT.1201
Mar., 1958 Board of Trade Trade Census Statistics Elliott 405
Sept., 1958 General Post Office Engineering Stores ICT.1201
Apr., 1959 General Post Office London Computer Elliott 405
Dec., 1959 General Post Office Centre No. 1 Elliott 405
Nov., 1959 Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance Pay and Statistics EELM LEO II
Jan., 1960 Ministry of Agriculture Agricultural Census Statistics EELM/Deuce IIA
June, 1960 Ministry of Defence (Navy) Pay and Costing ICT/PCC
June, 1960 Ministry of Defence (Navy) Pay and Costing ICT/PCC
Oct., 1960 Ministry of Defence (Navy) Pay and Costing ICT/PCC
Oct., 1960 Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland Pay and Agricultural Subsidies ICT.1202
Nov., 1960 Ministry of Defence (Army) Army Other Ranks pay IBM.705
Feb., 1961 Ministry of Labour Pay and Statistics ICT.1100
Apr., 1961 Ministry of Defence (Army) Army Other Ranks pay IBM.1401
June, 1961 Ministry of Defence (Air) Civil Pay ICT.1100
Oct., 1961 Ministry of Defence (Navy) Pay and Costing ICT/PCC
Oct., 1961 Ministry of Defence (Navy) Pay and Costing ICT/PCC
Jan., 1962 Ministry of Defence (Navy) Civil Pay and Stores ICT.1100
Mar., 1962 Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance Graduated Pensions 1CT.2400
July, 1962 Ministry of Defence (Navy) Naval Stores IBM.1401
Sept., 1962 Ministry of Defence (Navy) Naval Stores IBM.1401
Sept., 1962 Ministry of Defence (Army) Army Other Ranks pay IBM.705
Nov., 1962 Ministry of Agriculture Subsidies EELM/Deuce IIA
Feb., 1963 Ministry of Defence (Army) Stores control for motor transport spares ICT.2400
Apr., 1963 Ministry of Public Building and Works Pay: Statistics: Accounts ICT.1301
June. 1963 Government Communications Headquarters Pay ICT.1301
June, 1963 General Register Office Statistics IBM.1401
Aug., 1963 Ministry of Agriculture Research Statistics Elliott 803B
Sept., 1963 Customs Pay: Statistics: Accounts EELM LEO III
Sept., 1963 Board of Trade Trade Census Statistics EELM LEO III
Oct., 1963 Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland Pay and Subsidies ICT.1202
Dec., 1963 Education Teachers' Records 1CT.1301
Dec., 1963 Home Office and Metropolitan Police Pay and Statistics ICT.1301
Jan., 1964 Ministry of Defence (Army) Royal Army Ordnance 1CT.2400
Feb., 1964 Inland Revenue Corps Statistics ICT/PCC
Apr., 1964 Ministry of Defence (Navy) Stores IBM.1401
May, 1964 Ministry of Defence (Navy) Stores IBM.1401
June, 1964 General Post Office Common Service EELM LEO III/326
July, 1964 General Post Office Common Service EELM LEO III/326
July, 1964 H.M. Stationery Office General Accounting ICT.1202
Oct., 1964 Ministry of Agriculture Statistics EELM/Deuce
Dec., 1964 Export Credit Guarantee Department Statistics IBM.1401G
Feb., 1965 Ministry of Defence (Navy) Accounts ICT.1300
Feb., 1965 Inland Revenue Pay and Statistics EELM LEO III
Mar. 1965 Ministry of Housing and Local Government Rating grant reviews Monroe Monrobot 81
Apr., 1965 Ministry of Defence (Air) Stores AEL1010
Apr., 1965 Ministry of Defence (Air) Stores
May, 1965 Ministry of Defence (Air) Pay and Records UNIVAC 1107
Sept., 1965 Ministry of Defence (Navy) Air Stores Accounting IBM.1401G
Sept., 1965 Ministry of Defence (Navy) Air Stores Accounting IBM.1401G
Nov., 1965 Ministry of Aviation Payroll and Accounting (including National Assistance Board) ICT.1903

Mr. MacDermot

Pursuant to my reply of 26th May [OFFICIAL REPORT; Vol. 729,c. 143]the following computers are being used for administrative work in Government Departments:

Date Accepted Department Main Uses Manufacturer* and Type of Computer
Nov., 1965 Inland Revenue Tax Collecting and Accounting D.L.R.B. Gamma 10
Nov., 1965 Inland Revenue Tax Collecting and Accounting D.L.R.B. Gamma 10
Nov., 1965 Inland Revenue Tax Collecting and Accounting
Dec., 1965 Ministry of Defence (Navy) Payroll costing and production control EELM LEO III
Feb., 1966 Ministry of Public Buildings and Works Payroll, costing, stores, statistics ICT.1302
Mar., 1966 General Post Office Telephone billing EELM LEO 326
May, 1966 Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland General †A.D.P. in Scotland IBM.360/40
May, 1966 Ministry of Aviation Bill Paying NCR.315
May, 1966 Ministry of Public Buildings and Works Payroll, costing, stores, statistics. etc. ICT.1302
*AEI: Associated Electrical Industries Ltd.
D.L.R.B.: De La Rue Bull Machines Ltd.
Elliott: Elliott-Automation Ltd.
EELM: English Electric-Leo-Marconi Computers Ltd.
IBM: International Business Machines (U.K.) Ltd.
ICT: International Computers & Tabulators Ltd.
Monroe: Monroe Calculating Machine Co. Ltd.
NCR: National Cash Register Co. Ltd.
UNIVAC: Remington Rand Ltd. (Univac Division).
† A.D.P.: automatic data processing.

Mr. Charles Morrison

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will list the computers on order by Government departments, showing the date on which the order was placed, the estimated date of delivery, name of manufacturer, type

Department Date of Order Forecast Date of Delivery Manufacturer* and Type of Computer Main Uses
Ministry of Aviation: Royal Aircraft Establishment Mar., 1966 Aug., 1967 ICT.1907 General Purpose: Research and Administration
Ministry of Defence (Army) May, 1965 June, 1966 IBM.360/30 Officers' Pay
Ministry of Defence (Army) R.E.M.E. Feb., 1966 April, 1967 ICT.1904 Reliability Studies
Ministry of Defence (Army) Royal Ordnance Factory Feb., 1966 Oct., 1967 Elliott 4120 Production Control
Ministry of Defence (Navy) July, 1964 June, 1966 EELM LEO III Payroll, Costing and Production Control
Oct., 1965 Sept., 1966 Elliott 4120 Naval Stores
Dec., 1965 Dec., 1966 Univac 492 Naval Stores
Dec., 1965 Feb., 1967 Univac 492 Naval Stores
Dec., 1965 Jan., 1967 Elliott 4120 Production Control
Apr-66 June. 1967 EELM LEO III Payroll, Costing and Production Control and Navy Books Distribution
April, 1966 Sept., 1967 EELM LEO III Payroll Costing and Production Control
General Register Office Nov., 1964 June, 1966 IBM.705 1966 Census of Population
Nov., 1964 Oct., 1966 IBM.1401 1966 Census
Ministry of Health Sept., 1965 Nov., 1966 Elliott 4120 National Health Service Superannuation and Statistics
Board of Inland Revenue Nov., 1964 Aug., 1967 ICT.1904 P.A.Y.E. for Scotland
Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance Jan., 1966 June, 1967 ICT.1906 and ICT.1904 Payment of Sickness Benefit
Paymaster General's Office April, 1966 Nov., 1967 EELM LEO 326 Pension Payments

of computer and the function for which it is to be used, respectively.

Mr. MacDermot

Further to my reply of 26th May [OFFICIAL REPORT; Vol. 729,c. 143] the following computers are on order for administrative work in Government Departments:

Department Date of Order Forecast Date of Delivery Manufacturer* and Type of Computer Main Uses
General Post Office Dec., 1964 Oct., 1966 EELM LEO 326 Telephone Billing
Dec., 1964 Dec., 1966 EELM LEO 326 Telephone Billing
Dec., 1964 April, 1967 EELM LEO 326 Telephone Billing
Dec., 1964 Sept., 1967 EELM LEO 326 Premium Savings Bonds
H.M. Stationery Office April, 1966 Dec., 1966 ICT.1904 Computer Bureau Work
* EELM: English Electric-Leo-Marconi Computers Ltd.
Elliott: Elliott-Automation Ltd.
IBM: International Business Machines (U.K.) Ltd.
ICT: International Computers & Tabulators Ltd.
Univac: Remington Rand Ltd. (Univac Division).