§ Mr. Kershawasked the Minister of Transport whether she has now evaluated the white line experiment on the A.4 near Reading; and when she will be in a position to apply the lessons learnt to the A.38 between Bristol and Gloucester.
§ Mr. John MorrisFrom the reports so far received it is doubtful whether offset
Subject Statute Authority or person 1. Register of Approved Driving Instructors Road Traffic Act 1962 Minister of Transport 2. Inspection of vehicle testing stations and authorisation of examiners Road Traffic Act 1960 Minister of Transport 3. Licensing of drivers of motor vehicles Road Traffic Act 1960 County and County Borough Councils in England and Wales, the Greater London Council, County and Burgh Councils in Scotland. 4. Licensing of goods vehicle operators Road Traffic Act 1960 Licensing Authorities appointed under Section 165 of the Road Traffic Act 1960. 5. Licensing of public service vehicle operators, drivers and conductors Road Traffic Act 1960 Traffic Commissioners appointed under Section 120 of the Road Traffic Act 1960. (In the Metropolitan Traffic Area the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis licenses drivers and conductors.) double white lines add to safety on winding roads. However, we propose to make a full assessment when the trials with these lines on other three-lane roads are completed later in the year.