HC Deb 05 December 1966 vol 737 cc184-93W
Mr. Dalyell

asked the Minister of Health if he will give details of any contracts for research which his Depart-

Study Purpose Leader Expenditure Limit
Internal communications in hospitals. To help hospitals to solve their problems of communications and internal management (following the findings published in "Standards for morale: cause and effect in hospitals". Revans, R. W., (1964 and 1966)). Dr. Revans and Guy's Hospital Medical School, St. Thomas' Street, S.E.1. 40,000
Hospital management, pilot studies of:— To discover the management problems into which research will be most rewarding and to devise suitable research methods. Professor Chester, University of Manchester, Dover Street, Manchester 13. 9,600
(a) management communications from R.H.B. to hospital level, and
(b) management action taken at H.M.C. level.
The response to HM (64) 102—"Management Problems in Outpatient Departments" in 30 selected Groups and the Regional Hospital Boards. (a) To find out who was involved in dealing with this circular, and what role the played. Miss Rosemary Stewart, London School of Economics, Judd Street. W.C.1. 2,964
(b) To find out if any changes were made as a result.
Develop systems for planning hospital facilities and resources for scheduling admission, care and discharge of patients. To develop information systems for planning and operating hospitals. The feasibility of the systems will be shown by applying them to the problems of two hospital groups Professor Rivett, Department of Operational Research, University of Lancaster, Skein House, Queen Square, Lancaster. 14,000
Emergency Bed Service refusals—patients referred back to the G.P. and the action subsequently taken. To ascertain common factors in refusal—e.g. age, diagnosis, locality of residence, G.P.—and to discover means of dealing with patients more expeditiously. Dr. M. D. Warren, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, (Gower Street) London, W.C.1. 800
Factors affecting the length of stay in hospitals. A pilot study of patients in three hospitals to ascertain what, if any delays were attributable to deficiencies in design, physical provision or administrative arrangements. Mr. John Madge, University College, London, W.C.1. 3,750
Statistical analysis of hospital operating characteristics. (a) To develop improved measures of hospital efficiency. Mr. Martin Feldstein, Nuffield College, Oxford. 4,800
(b) To explore the applicability of several statistical methods to the study of hospital performance.
(c) To find relationships between costs, staffing, patient workload, length of stay per case, etc.
Study of manpower in part of the Wessex Region. To provide information about the characteristics of present hospital employees and about likely future sources of manpower. To explore ways in which manpower information may be used for practical recruitment, training and deployment policies. Professor Smith, Department of Sociology and Social Studies, University of Southampton. Southampton. 19,395

ment has placed with universities of colleges of advanced technology, and of the value of such contracts.

Mr. K. Robinson

A list of current research contracts follows:

Study Purpose Leader Expenditure Limit
Follow through of entrants to three nurse training schools in two large acute hospitals in different Regions. To study background and attitudes to nursing; to relate experience and education to examination results; to follow up "leavers"; and to compare the effect of "old" and "new" nurse training schemes where practicable. Mr. R. S. Johnson, The Manchester College of Science and Technology, Manchester, 1. 1,250
Survey of junior medical graduates. To investigate by postal questionnaire approximately two thousand young medical graduates (formerly investigated when they were medical students in 1961); to determine their experiences since graduation, their current educational status, their future plans for the nature and place of practice; and to investigate wastage during and subsequent to completion of medical training. Dr. J. M. Last, Department of Social Medicine, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh. 2,500
Ancillary staff in hospitals. To obtain data necessary to make an analysis of manpower in order to establish how hospitals could plan to ensure an adequate supply of ancillary staff. Miss S. Genzburg, London School of Economics, Judd Street, London, W.C.1. 3,100
Survey of glaucoma in Bedford. To establish the most efficient and economical methods of screening well populations for glaucoma, to ascertain numbers of positive and borderline cases in different groups, and to help determine the effectiveness of treatment in the pre-glauco-matous and symptomless stages. Professor E. S. Perkins, Institute of Ophthalmology, Judd Street, London, W.C.1. 16,450
Uterine cancer detection—experimental method of enzyme determination involving use of ultrasonic disintegration and density gradient column. To streamline laboratory processes and compare the 6 PGD enzyme test carried out by this method with both conventional exfoliative-cytology and cyto-diagnosis using the Coulter Counter. Professor I. D. P. Wootton, Hammersmith Hospital Medical School, Du Cane Road, Shepherd's Bush, London, W.12. 3,968
Study of methods of population screening for diabetes. In particular, to study the practicability and validity of a simple enzyme strip method (Dextrostix) for population screening by blood sugar. Professor J. Butterfield, Department of Medicine, Guy's Hospital Medical School, St. Thomas' Street, London, S.E.1. 13,153
Community surveys in Lambeth. To undertake research into the epidemiology of common conditions and measure the medical care provided. To validate different sampling techniques. To train personnel in the conduct of epidemiological surveys. To assess the type, quality and quantity of hospital and comprehensive medical care needed in the area around St. Thomas' Hospital. Dr. W. W. Holland, St. Thomas' Hospital Medical School, London, S.E.1. 30,000
Community health project. Morbidity survey—special studies of particular diseases. (a) To record by computers over a period of one year diagnoses for all the patients seen by general practitioners and in the Exeter hospitals from the population of Exeter by age, sex and occupation. Dr. N. G. Pearson, Postgraduate Medical Institute of Exeter University, Reed Hall, Streatham Drive, Exeter. 6,355
(b) Special surveys on individual diseases (rheumatism, arthritis, coronary thrombosis) brought to light by the morbidity survey.

Study Purpose Leader Expenditure Limit
Geriatric patients—care and bed requirements in three areas in the Newcastle Region. To estimate the pattern of usage of resources and services (including bed requirements) for differing methods of care. Dr. D. J. Newell, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Nuffield Department of Industrial Health, 20 Claremont Place, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1. 11,536
Cross national study of the aged in Denmark, the United States and Britain, including study (in Britain) of the ability for self-care of patients in psychiatric and geriatric hospitals and nursing and residential Homes. To find the capacity of old people of different ages in the general population to care for themselves in the light of their occupational, financial, environmental and social circumstances. Completion of reports "The aged in the Welfare State" "The aged in hospitals, nursing homes and residential Houses" on part of the study dealing with Britain. Professor P. Townsend, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex. 3,005
Psychiatric care needs of the aged:— (a) To check earlier predictions of future need for psychiatric treatment made on the basis of medical and social condition; Professor Roth, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Queen Victoria Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1. 20,500
(a) Follow up of random sample of old persons living at home first interviewed in 1960; (b) to assess the needs of the aged in relation to mental infirmity; also the prevalence of certain disorders, distinguishing early mental deterioration from normal ageing;
(b) survey of further random sample of old people living in Newcastle upon Tyne. (c) To examine the extent to which the recommendations made during the survey are found to be practical and realistic solutions.
Clinical trials of length of stay in hospital. To provide evidence on the relative merits of short or long periods of stays following certain common surgical operations. Professor J. Knowelden, Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, 10. 8,808
Study of the prevalence of acute myocardial infarction in Edinburgh. To investigate the incidence of acute episodes and their outcome in defined populations, and to relate this to the need for intensive coronary care. Professors Donald and Morrison, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh. 3,500
A follow-up of borderline diabetics found in the Bedford Diabetic Survey of 1962. To investigate the influence of diet and for oral anti-diabetic therapy on the progress of diabetics, with special reference to the development of diabetic complications. Dr. H. Keen, Guy's Hospital Medical School, St. Thomas' Street, London, S.E.1. 6,000
Children in hospital. Social and psychiatric aspects of welfare of young children with specific reference to visiting. To ascertain the psychological need of the child and the social implications for family life and hospital organisations. Professor W. M. Williams, School of Social Studies, University College of Swansea, Glamorgan, S. Wales. 13,200
Pilot study on the subjective evaluation of external noise in the vicinity of hospital buildings. To assess the degree of subjective annoyance or disturbance from noise to staff and patients. Professor R. G. Hopkinson, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, Gower Street, London, W.C.1. 7,960
Comparison of hospital activity in Newcastle and Liverpool. To provide data comparable with that extracted from the Liverpool Hospitals by Dr. R. F. Logan of Manchester. Dr. D. J. Newell, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Nuffield Department of Industrial Health, 20 Claremont Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1. 7,200
A study of Hospital Management. A programme of analysis and clarification of organisation and administrative responsibility at regional, group and hospital level. Professor E. Jaques, School of Social Sciences, Brunell University, Woodlands Avenue, London, W.3. 28,500

Study Purpose Leader Expenditure Limit
Pilot study of hospital laboratory organisation and staffing. To study the factors generating the increasing demand for pathology services in England and Wales in order to project future demand and to ascertain the most economical method of providing effective services. Professor B. Abel Smith, London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, Aldwych, London, W.C.2. 3,125
Hospital Computer Study To develop the ways of using a computer installation in the hospital service. Professor Barnard, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester. Essex. 6,426
Use of medical resources and their effective deployment in the future with particular reference to the Liverpool Region. (a) To study the caseload of the hospitals to discover the illnesses causing admission, and their severity, by age, sex, marital status social class and occupation, and to make comparisons with other regions to discover what illnesses are causing greater hospital usage in the region. Doctor R. Logan, Medical Care Research Unit, University of Manchester, Dover Street, Manchester, 13. 66,000
(b) To study to what extent adverse social conditions are a factor causing increased hospital use.
(c) To discover, by household interviews, the extent to which need for hospital care particularly as regards elective surgical conditions, is reflected as demand for care; and thereby to assess the extent of unmet need.
(d) To study the tempo and efficiency of the hospitals in the region.
A three-year inquiry into the need for social and medical services in the London Borough of Camden. To collect and analyse data which would allow for more accurate estimates of the need for social and medical services in the London Borough of Camden in the coming ten years and of the resources of manpower, buildings and equipment required to meet these needs. Mrs. Margot Jefferys, Social Research Unit, Bedford College, University of London, Peto Place, Marylebone Road, N.W.1. 20,000
Pilot study of the community care of the mentally sub-normal in Lancashire. To observe the effects of hostel placement. Professor W. I. N. Kessel, Head of the Department of Psychiatry and Dr. A. Adelstein, Medical Statistician, University of Manchester, Clinical Sciences Building, York Place, Manchester. 13. 8,200
Study of the prevalence of impaired physical function. To obtain a reasonably accurate estimate of the number of physically disabled persons aged 11 and over in the country, of their social and economic characteristics, including their housing circumstances, and of some of the social and economic consequences of their disability. Mrs. Margot Jefferys, Social Research Unit, Bedford College, University of London, Peto Place, Marylebone Road, N.W.1. 6,700
Health and Welfare Services and tripartite administration. To test whether defects in the provision of health and welfare services to individuals are caused by organisational difficulties. Professor T. E. Chester, University of Manchester, Dover Street, Manchester, 13. 5,600
Screening questionnaire. Development of a screening questionnaire for use in general practice to diagnose latent or early symptomatic disease. Dr. W. W. Holland, St. Thomas' Hospital Medical Unit, St. Thomas' Hospital Medical School, London, S.E.1. 5,000

Study Purpose Leader Expenditure Limit
Study of general practice in Lambeth. To evaluate the factors in general practice that differentiates general from hospital or other medical practice. Dr. W. W. Holland, St. Thomas' Hospital Medical Unit, St. Thomas' Hospital Medical School. London, S.E.1. 16,768
Linkage of medical records in the Oxford area. To assess the feasibility of linking executive council, hospital and birth and death records of population in the area. Dr. D. Acheson, Oxford R.H.B. and Oxford University, Oxford. 180,400
Psychiatric morbidity in general practice. To identify high risk groups and explore their socio-medical characteristics. Dr. M. Shepherd, Institute of Psychiatry, The Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, S.E.5. 30,600

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