HC Deb 12 August 1966 vol 733 cc431-4W
Mr. Hugh D. Brown

asked the Postmaster-General (1) if he will give a price index of each of the 40 items mentioned in paragraph 10 of the Comptroller and Auditor-General's Report in the 1965–66 Post Office Report and Accounts for the period 1st April, 1963 to the latest date for which information is available;

(2) if he will give a price index of such of the 40 items mentioned in paragraph 10 of the Comptroller and Auditor-General's Report for which information is available for the period 1st April, 1963 to the present;

(3) what were the 40 items of telephone apparatus for which prices were agreed with the manufacturers by January, 1966; what was the price payable for each of these items on 1st April 1963; what changes have taken place in these prices up to the present; what was the cost price for each of these items in December, 1962; and what were the results of any later costing exercises.

Mr. Joseph Slater

The information is as follows:

Price Index
Item 1st April 1963 1st October, 1965 (latest date for which information is available)
Bell No. 44 C 100 118¾
Bell No. 56 C 100 105½
Coil Heat "A" 100 141
Coil Heat No. 1 100 124
Converter Ringing No. 9A 100 100¾
Dial Auto No. 21CA 100 84
Dial Dummy No. 6 100 133¼
Fuse Mounting No. 8064A 100 106¾
Fuse Mounting No. 8064B 100 106½
Handset No. 3 100 86
Headset No. 1 (Black) 100 81½
Key and Lamp Unit No. 2A (complete) 100 92¼
Key and Lamp Unit No. 2A (part) 100 92½
Plan Set No. 625 100 91
Plug No. 420 100 93¾
Protector Electrode No. 1B 100 81½
Receiver Inset No. 4T 100 89½
Resistor Coil No. 9—
50 ohms 100 85
2,000 ohms 100 105

Price Index
Item 1st April, 1963 1st October, 1965 (latest date for which information is available)
Resistor Coil No. 12—
500 ohms 100 100
8,000 ohms 100 90½
18,000 ohms 100 100
Resistor Coil No. 15—
50 ohms 100 100
500 ohms 100 104½
Resistor Spool No. 6–500 ohms 100 84¼
Section Switch SA 7560 100 126½
Switchboard PMBX No. 2/2A 100 89¾
Switchboard PMBX No. 2/3A 100 96½
Switchboard PMBX No. 2/4A 100 91¾
N 1070—— 100 120¼
Telephone No. 706L Printed Circuit 100 95¾
Conventionally Wired 100 100¾
Transmitter Inset No. 13 100 100
Transmitter Inset No. 13C 100 90½
Transmitter Inset No. 16 100 82
Unit Auxiliary Apparatus 96A 100 104½
Unit Auxiliary Apparatus 97 100 104¼
Unit Auxiliary Apparatus 98 100 104¼
Unit Auxiliary Apparatus 99 100 104
Unit Auxiliary Apparatus 100 100 104

The prices operative on 1st April, 1963 applied to orders placed under the Bulk Supply Agreement up to and including 30th September, 1965, subject to variation at the dates of individual orders to take account of changes in wage rates and in prices of materials.

The price index at 1st October, 1965 reflects the revised prices applicable to orders placed on and since that date. These prices are also subject to cost variation, the extent of which has still to be agreed for post-1st October, 1965 orders. The foregoing items are those for which prices were agreed with manufacturers by January, 1966. It would be contrary to practice to make public either contract prices or those costs which firms have disclosed in strict confidence.

Mr. Hugh D. Brown

asked the Postmaster-General how much more money has been paid to the telephone equipment manufacturers as a consequence of the prices indicated from 1st April, 1963; how much would have been paid if adequate information had been available at the time; and why such information was not available.

Mr. Joseph Slater

Prices payable under the Bulk Supply Agreements are settled by negotiation in the circumstances, and in the light of the best costing information available, at the time. It is never possible to say how much higher or lower prices would have been had the circumstances, the information available, or the time been different. Assuming that the Question relates to telephone apparatus, the prices payable as from 1st April, 1963 were lower in real terms than those paid previously. Later costing information could not have been used for negotiating the April, 1963 prices without delaying settlement unreasonably.

Mr. Hugh D. Brown

asked the Postmaster-General which firms were given contracts in 1965–66 for telephone apparatus and exchange equipment, respectively; what was the value of each contract; and which of these firms were either party to the bulk supply agreement or subsidiaries of such firms.

Mr. Joseph Slater

The list below shows the value of contracts placed for items covered by the Bulk Supply Agreements. In order not to disclose the results of competitive tendering, the value of the contracts placed under the reservation clauses is shown in terms of Agreement prices rather than prices actually paid.

Telephone Apparatus £'000
(a) Firms party to the Bulk Supply Agreement
Associated Electrical Industries Ltd. 2,155
Automatic Telephone & Electric Co. Ltd. 1,845
Ericsson Telephones Ltd. 1,420
The General Electric Co. Ltd. 1,475
Phoenix Telephones Ltd. 1,860
The Plessey Co. (UK) Ltd. 1,850
Standard Telephones & Cables Ltd. 1,900
Telephone Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 1,545
(b) Other firms
A.E.I. Plastics (Aldridge) Ltd. * 1
A. P. Besson & Partner Ltd. 147
Astralux Dynamics Ltd. 62
Ball Plastics Ltd. 3
E.M.I. Electronics Ltd. 604
Ibex Electronics Ltd. 42
Labgear Ltd.† 2
Pye (Scottish) Telecommunications Ltd.† 1,098
Pye Switches Ltd.† 61
Pye Telecommunications Ltd.† 8
Smith's Industries Ltd. 147
The Telephone Supplies Ltd. * 694
Whiteley Electrical Radio Co. Ltd.

Telephone Exchange Equipment
(a) Firms party to the Bulk Supply Agreement
Associated Electrical Industries Ltd. 11,204
Automatic Telephone & Electric Co. Ltd. 16,442
Ericsson Telephones Ltd. 17,900
The General Electric Co. Ltd. 18,678
Standard Telephones & Cables Ltd. 17,445
(b) Other firms
Aeronautical & General Instruments Ltd. 19
Anglo-Swiss Screw Co. Ltd. 1
Birkby's Ltd.‡ 3
Fraser & Glass Ltd. 6
Heath Spring & Notion Co. Ltd. 3
Keland Ltd. 1
Litholite Mouldings Ltd. 7
Mermaid Engineering Co. Ltd. 7
Parmeko Ltd. 1
The Plessey Co. Ltd.‡ 4
Rathdown Industries Ltd. 1
The Speedwell Gear Case Co. Ltd. 2
Speke Telephones Ltd.‡ 433
Telephone Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 516
Vactric Control Equipments Ltd. 35
* Subsidiary of Agreement firm.
† Member of the Pye Group which has controlling interest in Telephone Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
‡ Associate of Agreement firms.

Mr. Hugh D. Brown

asked the Postmaster-General what were the main items mentioned in the Comptroller and Auditor-General's Report, which were purchased in 1965–66 under the reservation clause of the Bulk Supply Agreement for some 18 per cent. less than would have been payable at the revised agreement prices.

Mr. Joseph Slater

The items were:

  • Convertor Ringing No. 9A.
  • Dial Auto No. 21 CA.
  • Dial Auto No. 22 FA.
  • Fuse Mounting No. 8064A.
  • Fuse Mounting No. 8064B.
  • Handset No. 3. Plug No. 420.
  • Receiver Inset No. 4T.
  • Resistor Coil No. 9.
  • Telephone No. 706L.
  • Transmitter Inset No. 13.

Mr. Hugh D. Brown

asked the Postmaster-General what were the few individual items of stores mentioned in the Comptroller and Auditor-General's Report that were published in 1965–66 under the reservation clauses of the Bulk Supply Agreement at prices nearly 21 per cent. below agreement prices.

Mr. Joseph Slater

The items werePrivate Automatic Branch Exchanges and associated Switchboards and Relay Sets. Subscribers' Meters. Transformers. Uniselectors and spare parts for them. Spare parts for Selectors. Relay Sets.