HC Deb 23 November 1965 vol 721 c36W
Sir G. Wills

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in view of the difficulty in obtaining the services of sufficient senior scientific officers, he will, as an added inducement, pay moving expenses to applicants for posts in this class; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. MacDermot

It is a general principle common to all classes in the Civil Service that the expenses involved in taking up the first appointment are the responsibility of the individual, and it would be inequitable to apply this principle to some classes but not to others. It has been recognised, however, that the public interest may sometimes justify an exceptional arrangement in the case of candidates recruited overseas, and the House will already be aware that Departments may pay the fares back to the United Kingdom of scientists engaged in North America by the interviewing board on which the Civil Service Commission is represented.

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