HC Deb 18 November 1965 vol 720 cc96-7W
Miss Quennell

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he is aware that the anti-brucellosis vaccine Duphavac has been used successfully in foreign countries in a drive against the disease in cattle, and gives no positive results in the brucellosis test; and if he will examine this vaccine with a view to its use in this country.

Mr. John Mackie

We have no evidence that Duphavac has been used successfully in the control of brucellosis abroad. The vaccine is also known as Strain 45/20, and its properties have been under investigation for some time at research establishments in this country. Further consideration will be necessary before a decision can be reached.

Miss Quennell

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what communication he has received on the anti-brucellosis vaccine, Duphavac, from a firm wishing to import it; and what reply he has sent.

Mr. John Mackie

We have received an application for a licence to import Duphavac. It is being considered in the light of evidence about the properties of the vaccine. A reply will be sent to the applicants as soon as possible.