§ Chairman
- Sir R. Stevens, G.C.M.G., Vice-Chancellor of Leeds University.
§ Members
- W. Auty, Managing Secretary, Scunthorpe Co-operative Society.
- B. Braithwaite-Exley, Company Director. Chairman of Settle R.D.C. Plans Committee.
- W. T. Burke, Vice-Chairman of Finance and General Purposes Committee, President of North East Shopmen's Council of the N.U.R.
- P. H. Dixon, Director, Peter Dixon and Sons Ltd., Paper Millers.
- A. K. Dytch, Assistant General Manager British Railways, North East Region.
- J. H. Franklin, Alderman of Grimsby Town Council.
- B. C. Gillinson, J.P., Chairman and Managing Director, Gillinson and Dewhurst & Company Limited.
- A. Goss, Head of the Leeds School of Town Planning.
- J. Harrower, Secretary and Director of Thornber Brother Ltd.
- E. Hayhurst, J.P., Regional Secretary of the Transport and General Workers Union for Yorks and Midland Region.
- G. G. Haythornthwaite, Member of Peak Park Planning Board.
- M. J. C. Hutton-Wilson, Chairman. Associated Chemical Companies Ltd.
- J. Kagan, Director, Kagan Textiles Limited.
- Sir B. Kenyon, County Clerk of West Riding.
- A. King, Alderman, Leeds C.B. Divisional Organiser of the A.E.U.
- J. A. Lacey, Chief Docks Manager, Hull.
- W. E. Lane, Clerk of Lindsey C.C.
- Ford Longman, Member of Yorks Council of Social Services.
- F. B. Lydall, J.P., Managing Director of Yorks Electrical Transformer Company Limited.
- H. M. Nunns, Member, Dewsbury C.C. Chairman Housing and Town Planning Committee.
- Professor J. Page, Professor of Building Science, Sheffield University.
- J. A. Peel, Assistant General Secretary, National Union of Dyers, Bleachers and Textile Workers.
- I. S. Porter, Director, Wilson and Long-bottom Limited.
- E. Roberts, Divisional Office, Iron and Steel Trades Confederation.
- W. H. Sales, Chairman, National Coal Board, Yorkshire Division.
- E. T. Sara, Assistant General Sales Manager, United Steel Co. Limited, Sheffield.
- Mrs. J. Smith, Alderman and Chairman of West Riding County Council.
- J W. Sterland, O.B.E., J.P., Alderman, Sheffield County Borough Council, Chairman of Town Planning Committee.
- A. W. Suddaby, M.B.E., Managing Director of the Humber Fleet of St. Andrew's Steam Fishing Company.