HC Deb 24 June 1965 vol 714 cc247-8W
Mr. Lomas

asked the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs if he will make a statement on the visit undertaken by the Under-Secretary to parts of the West Riding of Yorkshire, including Huddersfield, and his discussions on the question of what Government action can be taken to help in integrating immigrants into the community.

Mr. Foley

My visit to the West Riding was one of a series I am making to those areas where a substantial number of Commonwealth immigrants have settled. On these visits, which are arranged in consultation with the town clerk of the authority concerned, I have met officials and elected representatives of the local authority and, whenever possible, members of voluntary organisations and representatives of immigrant groups, in order to identify the problems of each area and to discuss what action might be taken towards solving them.

In the Adjournment debate on 4th June I summarised my general findings to date and the action being taken by the Government Departments concerned.