HC Deb 30 July 1965 vol 717 cc183-4W
Mrs. McKay

asked the Minister of Health if he is satisfied that the visiting hours of hospitals in Clapham have been fixed so as to provide the maximum amount of visiting time at convenient hours, taking into account all medical considerations; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. K. Robinson

At the South London Hospital for Women and Children adult patients may be visited each afternoon and evening and children at any time from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; at the Weir Maternity Hospital patients may be visited each afternoon and evening; at the Jewish Home of Rest patients may be visited at any time between 3 p.m. and 7.30 p.m., except on the Sabbath; these arrangements seem to me to be reasonable.

Mrs. McKay

asked the Minister of Health what amount was spent on improvements to the hospitals in Clapham in each of the last three years; and what proposals he has for further improvements in the next three-year period.

Mr. K. Robinson

£8,200 in 1962–63, £17,000 in 1963–64 and £26,000 in 1964–65. In 1965–66 about £42,000 will be spent on the completion of the new maternity unit at the Weir Maternity Hospital; in addition an extension to the Jewish Home of Rest will be completed at a total cost of £34,000 from non-Exchequer funds.

Mrs. McKay

asked the Minister of Health what is the shortage of nurses in each of the hospitals in Clapham; and what steps he proposes to take to recruit more nurses to these hospitals.

Mr. K. Robinson

At 30th June last the South London Hospital for Women and Children required 26 nurses, the Jewish Home of Rest two and the Weir Maternity Hospital eight. The South West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board have a continuing recruitment programme for nurses for these and other hospitals in the Region where vacancies exist.