HC Deb 20 July 1965 vol 716 c178W
18. Mr. Jopling

asked the Minister of Overseas Development if she will examine the need for helping to establish an institution in Africa where graduates in temperate agricultural subjects could receive short-term courses in tropical agricultural subjects which were relevant to Africa.

Mr. Oram

I am not aware of any such need, since courses relevant to tropical conditions generally are available at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of the West Indies.

Mr. Jopling

asked the Minister of Overseas Development if she will list the institutions in Africa where it is possible for graduates in temperate agricultural studies maintained by Her Majesty's Government to receive short training courses in tropical agriculture; and if he will indicate the duration of the course and the number of places available at each.

Mr. Oram

Complete information on this subject is not available and is being obtained. From such information as is available, however, it would appear that there are no courses at institutions in Africa which would be as suitable for the postgraduate training of British graduates as that which they at present receive at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of the West Indies and in institutions in this country.