§ Sir R. Russellasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will publish in the Official Report a list of members of the United Nations which have acceded to the International Slavery Convention of 1956, respectively.
§ Mr. R. A. ButlerThe following list indicates which States members of the United Nations Organisation have acceded to the International Slavery Convention of 1926 and the Supplementary Convention of 1956, respectively.
States parties to the International Slavery Convention of 1926 Afghanistan. Ceylon. Albania. China. Algeria. Congo (Brazzaville). Australia. Cuba. Austria. Czechoslovakia. Belgium. Dahomey. Bulgaria. Denmark. Burma. Ecuador. Byelorussian S.S.R. Finland. Cameroon. France. Canada. Ghana. Central African Republic. Greece. Guinea.
Haiti. Pakistan. Hungary. Philippines. India. Poland. Iraq. Portugal. Ireland. Rumama. Israel. Senegal. Italy. Sierra Leone. Ivory Coast. South Africa. Jordan. Spain. Kuwait. Sudan. Lebanon. Sweden. Liberia. Syria. Libya. Tanganyika. Madagascar. Togo. Mexico. Turkey. Morocco. Ukrainian S.S.R. Nepal. U.S.S.R. Netherlands. United Arab Republic. New Zealand. Nicaragua. United Kingdom. Niger. United States. Nigeria. Yugoslavia. Norway. States parties to the Supplementary Slavery Convention of 1956
Albania. Jordan. Algeria. Kuwait. Australia. Laos. Austria. Malaysia. Belgium. Mexico. Bulgaria. Morocco. Byelorussian S.S.R. Nepal. Cambodia. Netherlands Canada. New Zealand. Ceylon. Niger. China. Nigeria. Cuba. Norway. Cyprus. Pakistan. Czechoslovakia. Poland. Denmark. Portugal. Dominican Republic. Rumania. Ecuador. Sierra Leone. Finland. Sudan. Ghana. Sweden. Haiti Syria. Hungary. Tanganyika. India. Ukrainian S.S.R. Iran. U.S.S.R. Iraq. United Arab Republic. Ireland. Israel. United Kingdom. Italy. Yugoslavia.