HC Deb 27 July 1964 vol 699 cc215-6W
Mr. C. Johnson

asked the Minister of Aviation what is the policy of Her Majesty's Government with regard to Recommendation No. 391 on certain financial and economic aspects of air transport operations which was adopted by the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe on 23rd April, 1964; and what action Her Majesty's Government have taken, or contemplate taking, on it.

Mr. Marten

The Recommendation and the Report by Mr. A. Duynstee on which it is based raise important questions about the development of European co-operation in the field of civil aviation. Her Majesty's Government accordingly intend to study it carefully in collaboration with other European Governments. This will be done through the European Civil Aviation Conference on which the United Kingdom is represented. Such a study has already been initiated at the Plenary Sessions of that Conference which were held in Strasbourg between 6th and 18th July. The matter will be pursued by the sub-Committee on Coordination and Liberalisation.