HC Deb 28 January 1964 vol 688 c33W
52. Mr. Oram

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will seek to convene in London a round-table conference as representative as possible of public opinion in Aden with a view to ending the state of emergency there and to expediting progress with the questions of the franchise and constitution.

54. Mr. G. M. Thomson

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will now make an announcement about extensions of the franchise in the Colony of Aden and about a date for the holding of the general elections.

Mr. Sandys

The ending of the state of emergency is a matter for the Federal Government.

The question of franchise is a matter for the Aden Legislature to whom I understand proposals will shortly be submitted by the Aden Government. I hope before long to hold in London the constitutional talks which had to be postponed in December due to the bomb incident.

As regards the general elections, I would refer the Hon. Member to my reply to my hon. Friend the Member for Ilford, North (Mr. Iremonger) on 15th January.

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