HC Deb 13 February 1964 vol 689 cc112-3W
Lord Balniel

asked the Minister of Health whether he will state the terms of reference and membership of the new Training Council for the staff of training centres for the mentally subnormal.

Mr. Barber

The terms of reference of the new Council are to promote the provision of training for the staff—including hospital staff—of training centres for the mentally subnormal, and to approve courses of training. Its members, who have been appointed for a term of three years and will be eligible for re-appointment, are as follows:

Chairman: The Lady Adrian.


  • Dr. R. T. Bevan, M.D., B.Ch., D.P.H.—Senior Medical Officer, Welsh Board of Health.
  • Mrs. R. M. Blake—Organiser of training centres, Cornwall County Council.
  • G. A. Bland, Esq.—School Superintendent, Brockhall Hospital.
  • Professor A. D. B. Clarke, B.A., Ph.D.—. Professor of Psychology, University of Hull.
  • A. H. Edwards, Esq., D.P.A.—County Mental Health Officer, Somerset.
  • The Rt. Hon. Lord Grenfell—Hon. Treasurer, National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children.
  • Lt.-Col. G. A. Grounds, C.B.E., D.S.O., T.D.—Lincolnshire (Holland) County Council. Miss H. M. Hedley—Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Health.
  • J. A. Hudson, Esq.—Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Education.
  • S. J. Lidstone, Esq., B.Com.—Principal, Great Yarmouth College of Further Education.
  • Miss M. Lindsay, O.B.E., M.A.—Educational Adviser, National Association for Mental Health.
  • J. Lumsden, Esq.—Staff Inspector (H.M. Inspectorate), Ministry of Education.
  • Mrs. D. Otley—Deputy Chief Welfare Officer, Ministry of Health.
  • Dr. R. C. M. Pearson, M.D.. F.R.C.P.(Ed.), D.P.H.—Medical Officer of Health, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
  • Miss G. Rawlings—Consultant Psychologist, University College Hospital, London.
  • Dr. J. A. Scott, O.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P.—Medical Officer of Health, London County Council.
  • Dr. R. J. Stanley, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H.—Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Superintendent, Monyhull Hospital.

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