HC Deb 16 December 1964 vol 704 c82W
59. Mr. Strauss

asked the Minister of Transport if he proposes to take the necessary action to enable British Railways workshops to tender for equipment required by purchasers outside the publicly-owned transport sector; and when such action will be taken.

63. Mr. F. Noel-Baker

asked the Minister of Transport when he will take the necessary action to enable British Railways workshops to tender for orders from outside the publicly-owned transport system, including export orders.

Mr. Tom Fraser

I have removed the existing Ministerial restriction and approved the British Railways Board proposal (the full terms of which, with permission, I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT) to make wagons for customers outside the publicly-owned transport sector for use on the nationalised railways in this country. Manufacturing for export would require new legislation and I am looking into this question.

Following is the Board's proposal: It is quite possible that rail customers may increasingly wish to own their own rolling stock and containers; particularly the latter. The Board are advised that so long as privately-owned railway equipment is manufactured for use on the Board's railway system or on that of any other Board (within the context of Section 1 of the Transport Act, 1962) which has railways, the Board can themselves lawfully tender for the manufacture of that equipment; otherwise they cannot. It is the intention of the Board, therefore, to seek opportunities to tender for the manufacture for their customers of privately-owned railway equipment which is to be used either on British Railways or on the railways of any other Board.