§ Miss Vickersasked the Secretary for Technical Co-operation if he will now make a statement about the establishment of the proposed Medical Advisory Committee which was referred to in the recent Government White Paper on Medical Aid to the Developing Countries.
Mr. CarrI have now appointed a Medical Advisory Committee with the following terms of reference:
- "(1) To review at appropriate intervals the technical assistance pro- 160 vided by the Department of Technical Co-operation in medical and allied fields, and to make recommendations to the Secretary for Technical Co-operation;
- "(2) By means of sub-committees and panels to assist the Department in the various aspects of its work in these fields, and to advise on particular problems put to it by the Department."
I am happy to say that Sir Arthur Porritt has agreed to serve as Chairman. I am placing in the Library of the House a list of the members of the Committee and I am grateful to these eminent members of the profession for making their services available.