§ 58. Mr. G. M. Thomsonasked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations why the grant to the Women's Migration and Overseas Apointments Society is being cancelled; and whether this indicates changes in the migration policy of Her Majesty's Government.
§ Mr. TilneyThe annual Government grant-in-aid of administrative expenses paid to the Society is being tapered off, and will cease at the and of 1965, because the original reasons for the Society's inception and work no longer apply. As regards the countries of traditional migration from Britain the Governments concerned have now established Migration Offices here to stimulate and facilitate emigation to their countries; and oversea appointments on contract terms to developing countries are principally the concern of the Department of Technical Co-operation and the British Council. I might perhaps add that no other voluntary migration society is in receipt of such a grant-in-aid. Turning to the second part of the Question, the Government's migration policy remains unchanged. I would like to take this opportunity to pay a tribute to the Society's achievements over the years.