§ Sir M. Galpernasked the Postmaster-General what is the reason for the delay in introducing colour television in Great Britain; when he expects this service to begin; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. BevinsThe reasons for waiting are: first, so that, as my Television Advisory Committee and the Committee on Broadcasting advised, colour television will be introduced on the 625-line standard commonly in use in Europe, and not on the obsolescent 405-line standard; and secondly because a choice has to be made between three colour transmission systems—the American NTSC (National Television Systems Committee) system; the French SECAM (Séquentiel Couleur à Mémoire) system; and the German PAL (Phase Alternation Line) system.
It is of first importance that the system chosen for the United Kingdom should be compatible with that commonly adopted by other European countries, otherwise the advantage of easy exchange of programmes with Europe, an advantage derived from the adoption of the 625-line standard, would be lost for colour television. We are, therefore, seeking to establish through the appropriate international agency, the C.C.I.R. (Comité Consult at if International des Radio communications), agreed technical standards for colour transmission. During the next six months the B.B.C. will be arranging demonstrations and tests of the three systems. The results of these tests will have to be analysed and assessed by the many interests concerned but I hope that by the end of the year 92W my Television Advisory Committee will have reached a provisional conclusion. A special meeting of the C.C.I.R. Study Group concerned with television is to be held here early next year at our invitation. I hope that by then comparative studies which other European countries, are making of the three systems will also have so far progressed as to make possible an international recommendation on a uniform colour standard for the whole of Europe. It is too early to say when a service will begin.