HC Deb 18 February 1963 vol 672 cc11-2W
Mr. Longden

asked the Lord Privy Seal what contributions Her Majesty's Government made during 1962 to me

—— £ Percentage of total contributions
United Nations Regular Budget 1,701,730 7.58
Special Accounts:
Middle East Operation (UNEF) 282,991 10.6(1)*
Congo Operation (ONUC) 1,799,627 10.0 (2)*
U.N. Bond Issue 4,283,802 10.0*
U.N. Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance 1,071,000 6.66
U.N. Special Fund 1,786,000 8.33
U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees 1,928,572 15.9
U.N. Children's Fund (UNICEF) 335,000 4.0
U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees 100,000 10.0
International Atomic Energy Authority Regular Budget 141,000 7.17
Operational Budget of the I.A.E.A. 52,000 10.7(3)
Specialised Agencies:
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) 519,825 10.15
World Health Organisation 608,021 7.05
U.N. Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation 355,790 7.53
International Labour Organisation 371,170 9.42
International Civil Aviation Organisation 158,900 9.68
International Telecommunications Union 57,800 5.5
Universal Postal Union 6,600 2.61
World Meteorological Organisation 14,564 5.91
International Maritime Consultative Organisation 23,056 12.94
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Her Majesty's Government provide 12.69% of capital
International Development Association Her Majesty's government provide 14.30% of capital.
International Finance Corporation Her Majesty's Government provide 14.95% of capital.
International Monetary Fund Her Majesty's Government provide 12.95% of capital.
(1) Assessment for half a year only.
(2) From 1st November, 1961 to 30th June, 1962.
(3) Refers to the percentage of the amount pledged as of 31st March, 1962.
* Refers to percentage of contributions actually received up to 31st December, 1962.
In 1962 Her Majesty's Government also made the following voluntary contributions;—
£12,313—Algerian Refugees.
£5,000—F.A.O. Freedom from Hunger Campaign, U.K. National Committee.
£2,488—F.A.O. European Commission for Foot and Mouth Disease.
£1,000—net Codex Alimentarius Commission.

United Nations, its subsidiary and voluntary funds, and specialised agencies, respectively; and what proportions these contributions were of the respective total budgets.

Mr. Berkeley

asked the Lord Privy Seal what were the United Kingdom contributions for 1962 to the United Nations, its various voluntary funds, and the specialised agencies, respectively; and what was in each case the percentage of the respective budget represented by the United Kingdom contribution.

Mr. P. Thomas

The following is the information requested: