HC Deb 13 February 1963 vol 671 c196W
69. Mr. Swingler

asked the Minister of Transport what study is being made of the effect of the opening of the M.6 on increasing traffic on certain roads in Newcastle-under-Lyme; and if he will consider further measures for the improvement of safety at an early date.

Mr. Marples

The opening of further sections of M.6 now under construction will relieve conditions in the town. In the meantime if the hon. Member will let me have details of any specific difficulty, I will look into it.

79. Mr. Swingler

asked the Minister of Transport what is the nature of the report he has received from Newcastle-under-Lyme Council on the dangerous junction of Bradwell Lane and the A.34; and what action he will take.

Mr. Marples

The borough council has recently drawn attention to accidents at this junction. My representative has discussed the matter with the council and I await its proposals for altering the junction layout. I will consider what action should be taken when these proposals have been received.

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