HC Deb 08 February 1963 vol 671 cc119-20W
Captain Kerby

asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty why he has raised the rent of the naval married quarters of Steward Eric Mason, R.N., at 24 Bell Davies Road, Littlehampton, Sussex, from 30s. to £4 14s. 6d.; under what regulation he has done so; and whether any other married quarters at Littlehampton have been similarly treated.

Mr. C. Ian Orr-Ewing

There has been no general imposition of higher rents for married quarters in Littlehampton. As the hon. and gallant Member is aware. Steward Mason's entitlement to occupy 24, Bell Davies Road, Littlehampton, Sussex, expired on 7th January, 1963, after two extensions of one month each had been granted. The normal married quarters regulations, which are promulgated in Admiralty Fleet Orders and are well known to all occupants of married quarters, lay clown that those who retain quarters when no longer entitled to them are liable to a claim for damage amounting to the full economic rent of the quarter—in this case £4 14s. 6d.—instead of the standard married quarters' charge. Steward Mason has not yet been charged the economic rent for his married quarter, though he has acknowledged his liability for this from the 7th January.

Steward Mason has now been granted a further extension until the 7th March, 1963, and the question of the economic charge will not arise if his family leave the quarter before then.