HC Deb 21 November 1962 vol 667 cc133-5W
Sir S. Summers

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, if he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT a table showing the market price of potatoes each month during the last five seasons and comparable figures for the current season to date, together with the support price for each year.

Mr. Scott-Hopkins

The following table gives the information required.

to the Iranian Government to help in immediate relief work.

In addition, many British voluntary societies and institutions made generous contributions to help Iran. The British public contributed a total of £380,000 in response to the television appeal of the Red Cross, who were then able to supply materials for over 2,500 prefabricated houses. The Royal Air Force made available two flights by Britannias of Transport Command to transport this housing material, together with that supplied by War on Want. This, together with material flown out at the expense of the Charities on charter aircraft, enabled construction to be started at once and to go on without interruption until larger consignments could arrive by sea. This further help by Her Majesty's Government will involve additional expenditure not exceeding £10,000, making a total of up to £20,000.

Parliament will be asked in due course to vote this money by means of a Supplementary Estimate to the Foreign Office Grants and Service Vote. In the meantime an advance has been obtained from the Civil Contingencies Fund.

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