HC Deb 20 November 1962 vol 667 cc115-6W
73. Mr. Biggs-Davison

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, in view of the fact that there is uncertainty in Kenya about the extent to which British grants and loans are devoted to the compensation of expatriate officials, he will state the extent of grants, loans and other economic assistance provided by the United Kingdom, and the purposes to which they are devoted.

Mr. Sandys

During the Kenya financial year 1961–62 the total of grants, loans and other economic assistance provided by the United Kingdom to Kenya amounted to £14.3 million. Of this, £98,000, representing less than three-quarters of 1 per cent. of the total, was devoted to compensation of expatriate officials. During the financial year 1962–63 it is estimated that the figures will be £16.7 million, £159,000 and 0.9 per cent. respectively. In addition to these sums, the Colonial Development Corporation's gross investment in Kenya in 1961–62 amounted to £300,000: and investment in 1962–63 is estimated at £200,000.

Details of the various purposes to which these amounts are devoted are as follows:

1961–62 1962–63
£m. £m.
Recurrent Aid
(a) Grant-in-aid of expenses of administration 2.0 1.1
(b) Famine and Flood Relief assistance 1.5(1) 1.3
(c) Cost of Military Forces 1.9 1.9
(d) Payments under the Overseas Service Aid Scheme l.5(2) 2.3(3)
Development Aid
(a) Grants 2.4 4.3
(b) Loans 4.4 5.4
Technical Assistance Projects(4) 0.6 0.4
(1) Including £260,000 paid direct to British Service Departments.
(2) Including £98,000 paid in compensation.
(3) Including £159,000 in compensation.
(4) Including assistance to Royal College, Nairobi (£479 m. and £298 m. respectively) and assistance in education, mapping and surveys, training, visits by experts, the testing of agricultural machinery and broadcasting.

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